Issue - meetings

A19/A1237 Roundabout Improvements - Detailed Design

Meeting: 02/02/2010 - Decision Session - Executive Member for City Strategy (Item 81)

81 A19/A1237 Roundabout Improvements - Consultation Results and Detailed Design pdf icon PDF 133 KB

This report provides the Executive Member with the results of the consultation undertaken on proposed improvements to the A19/A1237 roundabout. The report concludes that, subject to approval, the amended scheme can be constructed within a revised budget allocation in the summer/autumn of this year.

Additional documents:


RESOLVED:            That the Executive Member agrees to:

i) Note the comments raised by the public, Councillors and interested organisations.

ii) Note the Officer’s response to the comments and the proposed amendments to the design.

iii) Approve the further development of the scheme in line with the amended layout subject to the removal of the rumble strips on Shipton Road, as part of the necessary resurfacing works, to enable the improvements to be tendered and constructed in the summer/autumn of 2010.

iv) Approve the inclusion of a total allocation of £1.5m in the City Strategy Capital Programme to construct the proposed scheme.

v) Authorise the removal of the minimum amount of vegetation from the A1237 West landscaped bund in February, to allow the main works to proceed later in the year to minimise the impact on nesting birds.

REASON:                  To reduce journey times for travellers in the A19/A1237 area whilst maintaining safe crossing points for pedestrians and cyclists.



The Executive Member considered a report, which provided him with the results of the consultation undertaken on the proposed improvements to the A19/A1237 roundabout. It also updated him on the changes, which had been made to address comments and accommodate constraints identified during the design period.


Officers reported that following further preparatory work after confirmation of the preferred option, a consultation exercise was undertaken to ensure that residents, external stakeholders and users of the roundabout views were collected to incorporate into the final design, where at all possible.


Ron Healey, then made representations both as a local resident and cyclist user of this roundabout and underpass. He stated that the consultation had failed to engage local residents. He pointed out that if changes were made at the roundabout any problems would be moved down the route. He went onto refer to the hierarchy of users and the need to reduce journey times for all users so he felt these proposals would reduce journey times for commuters at the expense of pedestrians and cyclists. He stated that he felt more sustainable proposals should be considered to alleviate the problems encountered.


Cllr Moore, made representations as Local Member and Chair of Rawcliffe Parish Council, he referred to the speed of traffic using the roundabout and to driver attitudes. He pointed out that policing of traffic was required together with consideration by drivers of other road users. He went onto refer to the closure of the westbound lay-by on the A1237 and the proposed use of spaces at the P & R site, which at times was already oversubscribed. He referred to the provision of a pedestrian refuge, which he felt would encourage unnecessary conflict between pedestrians/cyclists and vehicles when the underpass had worked well for many years. He requested deferment of the proposals to further examine these details but stated that should the scheme be approved he asked the Executive Member to consider the removal of the rumble strips on Shipton Road.


Officers confirmed that the hierarchy of users had been considered and that Police enforcement had proved difficult, as lane markings were only advisory although CCTV coverage would assist. He stated that the pedestrian refuge had been included at a point where people wished to cross the road and that all efforts would be made to ensure everyone’s safety in using the roundabout.


The Executive Member confirmed that Officers had amended the scheme following receipt of the consultation responses. He also pointed out that similar upgrading of roundabouts had proved successful.


RESOLVED:            That the Executive Member agrees to:

i) Note the comments raised by the public, Councillors and interested organisations.

ii) Note the Officer’s response to the comments and the proposed amendments to the design.

iii) Approve the further development of the scheme in line with the amended layout subject to the removal of the rumble strips on Shipton Road, as part of the necessary resurfacing works, to enable the improvements to be tendered and constructed in the summer/autumn of 2010.  1.  ...  view the full minutes text for item 81


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