Issue - meetings

West of York Household Waste Site - Land Option

Meeting: 23/12/2008 - Executive - for meetings from 03/06/00 to 26/04/11 (Item 144)

West of York Household Waste Site - Land Option


RESOLVED: (i)         That the decision taken, and resources allocated, at the Executive meeting on 9 September, to plan and progress the provision of a new recycling centre at Harewood Whin to replace the Beckfield Lane facility, be noted.


                        (ii)        That Officers be instructed to take such steps as may be necessary to produce detailed designs and land acquisition strategies prior to the submission of a planning application.


                        (iii)       That, subject to it still being available on the market and subject to Full Council approving the release of the necessary funding, approval be given to purchase the field to the east of Newgate Bridge, as illustrated in Annex B to the report.


REASON:      To provide a more suitable location than Beckfield Lane for a Household Waste Recycling Centre and on the basis that Harewood When has emerged as the preferred option for a replacement site.


[See also under Part B Minutes]


Members considered a report which sought approval to carry out a detailed appraisal for a Household Waste Recycling Centre (HWRC) at Harewood Whin, as the preferred option to replace the Beckfield Lane HWRC, to serve the west of the City.


Results of a feasibility study carried out to determine the most suitable location for the replacement facility were attached as Annex A to the report.  The study had concluded that a site at Harewood Whin could be turned into a viable HWRC at significantly less cost, and earlier, than the other potential sites. 


Members were invited to consider the following options:

Option 1 – accept the findings of the study and approve Harewood Whin as the preferred option for a detailed appraisal.  This was the recommended option, on the basis of the work already carried out.

Option 2 – ask Officers to seek out further sites for investigation and report back on their findings.


It was noted that a report seeking approval to fund the purchase of a field at Harewood Whin to serve as a replacement site had been considered by the Staffing and Urgency Committee on 18 December.  The Committee had recommended that the decision to release these funds be taken by Full Council on 22 January.  Officers requested that a decision on whether to purchase the field (subject to funding) now be taken by the Executive.


RESOLVED: (i)         That the decision taken, and resources allocated, at the Executive meeting on 9 September, to plan and progress the provision of a new recycling centre at Harewood Whin to replace the Beckfield Lane facility, be noted.


                        (ii)        That Officers be instructed to take such steps as may be necessary to produce detailed designs and land acquisition strategies prior to the submission of a planning application.


                        (iii)       That, subject to it still being available on the market and subject to Full Council approving the release of the necessary funding, approval be given to purchase the field to the east of Newgate Bridge, as illustrated in Annex B to the report.


REASON:      To provide a more suitable location than Beckfield Lane for a Household Waste Recycling Centre and on the basis that Harewood Whin has emerged as the preferred option for a replacement site.


Note:   Tthe above resolutions were deleted following re-consideration of this item at the Executive (Calling In) meeting on 6 January 2009.


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