Issue - meetings

Rowntree Park - Ongoing Development

Meeting: 02/12/2008 - Executive Member For Leisure, Culture and Social Inclusion and Advisory Panel (Item 20)

20 Rowntree Park - Ongoing Development pdf icon PDF 45 KB

This report updates Members on the three main ongoing development issues for Rowntree Park. Members are asked to give guidance on the way forward for each of the issues. The report will be accompanied by a presentation by the Friends of Rowntree Park.

Additional documents:


Advice of the Advisory Panel


That the Executive Member be advised to:


Restoration of the Bowls Pavillion – Ark in the Park:


(i)     To note the current situation


(ii)               To offer support to the efforts of the Friends to develop the proposed Ark in the Park


(iii)To ask officers to draw up a funding bid for the 2010/11 capital programme, including investigation of external funding.


Flood Management:


(i)      That Officers investigate a bid to the venture fund to self finance any works.



Goose Management:


(i)     To note the current situation and carry on with the current management regime


(ii)   To commission a city wide study and report back to EMAP on any possible changes to the existing management scheme.



(ii)   To welcome any support from Micklegate Ward Committee Funding towards establishing best practice in Goose Management.


Decision of the Executive Member:



RESOLVED:                                     That the advice of the Advisory Panel be accepted and endorsed.


REASON:                                          In order that planning can move forward.


Members considered a report updating them on the ongoing development of Rowntree Park. The main areas for discussion were the restoration of the Bowls Pavilion and the proposed Ark in the Park, Flood Management and Goose Management.


A representative from Friends of the Park gave a presentation to members on the issues affecting the park.


In relation to flood management there were two main areas of concern:


(i)The time taken for the park to be brought back into use after the flooding can sometimes up to 3 weeks. This meant that the park was out of use for several weeks in a year, to the inconvenience of the public. The cost to drain and clean up the park after each flood is considerable and the Friends of Rowntree Park hoped that the Council would give some consideration to measures to alleviate these problems in the long term.


(ii)The continual flooding has affected the Bowls Pavilion building to the extent that it is no longer suitable for use by the public. As a result a number of activities can no longer be carried out. A solution to this problem would be a “floating building” to replace the existing Pavilion. The project has been named “Ark in the Park” and involves a design concept used in the Netherlands. Details of the proposed building were circulated. A planning application will be submitted shortly and the Friends of Rowntree Park would welcome Members support on the issue along with any assistance to draw up funding for the project.


Overall members agreed that the Ark in the Park was an innovative way of addressing the issues in respect of flooding in the park and in the longer term hoped a cost effective  method of draining the flood water could be found and were happy to lend any support they could to the Friends of Rowntree Park.


The Friends of Rowntree Park were also concerned about Goose management in the park and the impact that this had on public health and safety. The position statement of the Friends of Rowntree Park was circulated to Members. Numerous methods have been used in the past to little effect. It was noted that the Friends were suggesting that an independent study be carried out to look at ways of tackling the issue. It was not the view of the friends that a cull should be carried out but rather other strategies to control the number of Geese in the park. Ideas included:


Ø      Grass treatments


Ø      Scarers


Ø      The removal of open sight lines making it less attractive for the Geese to land.


Ø      The erection of a small fence within the lake to make the water less attractive to the Geese.


It was agreed the most appropriate way forward would be to employ the services of a consultant with expertise in Geese Management to find the best solution for the park. It was suggested by Officers that any work should commence in the next financial year to coincide  ...  view the full minutes text for item 20


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