Officer decisions

In the case of key decisions, officers must record their decision on the system within two working days of the decision being made. Members will then have a further two working days in which to call-in the decision.

In the case of non-key decisions, these must be recorded as soon as reasonably practical and normally within five working days of the decision being made.

To see the list of Planning Decisions see : Weekly Planning Decision List

As a Licensing Authority we also have a duty to produce a register which shows licensing decisions made by Council officers

Officer decisions
Title Date
City Wall closure for Piling Works 27/06/2024
To transfer the freehold interest of the land currently leased to the owner of 43 Thornhills, Haxby, York YO32 3WD, as shown edged red on the attached plan for the sum of £500, plus the Council’s legal and surveyors fees of £1,000. 24/06/2024
To allocate UKSPF funding to CHY Consultancy to run the Construction Skills Initiative through intervention E38 18/06/2024
To award £100k UKSPF capital funding to the BioRenewables Development Centre for investment to support the Bio Yorkshire Initiative through the Rural England Prosperity Fund 18/06/2024
To make an order in response to the 202308 Dunnington Priest Lane DMMO application. 17/06/2024


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