Issue details

Acomb Front Street – Phase 2 Update

Purpose of the Report:
In October 2023, Executive agreed that £570,000 of UK Shared Prosperity Fund monies (UKSPF) be allocated to the development and implementation of the Acomb Front Street Phase 2 Project, including further engagement with residents and businesses.
In February 2024, the Executive Member for Economy & Transport approved the content of a programme of open public engagement, to seek feedback on costed designs and ideas for the Phase 2 scheme.
The purpose of this report is to provide Executive with feedback from the public engagement exercise and to outline the recommended next steps for the project. As previously reported, all UKSPF monies must be spent by 31 March 2025.

Executive will be asked to
• Note the feedback from the extensive public engagement
• Approve high-level principles and practical next steps, including Scrutiny for Acomb Front Street Phase 2
• Agree that the decision on the final costed scheme design be delegated to the
Executive Member for Economy & Culture, to be made at a public decision session
in September 2024

Decision type: Key

Decision status: For Determination

Wards affected: Acomb Ward; Holgate Ward; Westfield Ward;

Notice of proposed decision first published: 17/06/2024

Level of Risk: 04-08 Regular monitoring required;

Decision due: 18/07/24 by Executive

Lead member: Councillor Peter Kilbane, Deputy Leader of the Labour Group

Lead director: Corporate Director of Place

Department: Directorate of Place

Contact: Kathryn Daly email:

Consultation process

The Acomb Front Street Phase 2 public engagement commenced on 26 February 2024 and ran to 24 March 2024. The purpose of the open public engagement work was to test the ideas set out in the Phase 2 project scope and determine the community priorities in the context of the cost and desirability. Learnings from the previous community consultation (Future of Acomb Front Street Study 2021) and community petition July 2023 were also carried forward.

The public engagement sought feedback on :-
• enhancing the area through better placemaking, creating a more people friendly space and reducing the number of bollards
• creating a more accessible destination, with wider, more generous pedestrian crossing points, new accessible toilet facilities and improved blue badge parking
• extending the benefits beyond the high street to better connect local amenities
• longer-term aspirations, including but not limited to looking how to reduce the vehicle dominance in Front Street or the adoption of private frontages

An accessible mix of engagement methods were used to allow for the greatest reach into the community, including in person public meetings/drop-in events, stakeholder meetings and online survey, plus paper-based format.

The community response was tremendous and generated 900 completed surveys, and more than 5,000 comments to be analysed.

The Executive report will include a detailed summary of the engagement feedback received.

Equality Impact Assessment Completed?: EIA will be included as part of the report.

Agenda items


  • Acomb Front Street – Phase 2 Update  


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