Issue details

2008/09 Service Plan & Budget Monitor 3

Purpose of report: Advise the Exec Member of progress against the service plan targets for HASS and the projected financial outturns for 08/09.

Members are asked to: Comment on contents of report and approve any virements if necessary.

Decision type: Non-key

Decision status: Decision Made

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Implication: Financial;

Level of Risk: 01-03 Acceptable;

Decision due: 16/03/09 by Executive Member for Housing and Adult Social Services Advisory Panel

Decision due: 16/03/09 by Executive Member for Health & Adult Social Services

Lead member: Councillor Susan Galloway

Lead director: Director of Housing and Adult Social Services

Department: Housing & Adult Social Services Directorate

Contact: Debbie Mitchell, Chief Finance Officer and S151 Officer Email:

Consultation process




Making Representations: In writing or by e-mail to Bill Hodson.


Agenda items


  • Committee Report for 2008/09 Service Plan & Budget Monitor 3  


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