Issue - decisions

Investment in the redevelopment of Lincoln Court Independent Living Scheme

19/03/2019 - Investment in the Redevelopment of Lincoln Court Independent Living Scheme


Resolved:  (i)      That the enhanced proposal to deliver 35 high quality, future-proofed units of older persons’ independent living accommodation including 15 new build wheelchair accessible apartments and improved communal facilities (Option 1), be approved.


                   (ii)      That it be noted that, in approving the proposal, a commitment is made to provide alternative recreational facilities within Westfield ward following community consultation, including with Sport England, in mitigation for the loss of the Multi-use Games Area, the provision of these alternative facilities to be agreed by Executive subject to a further report and budget approval.


                   (iii)     That authority be delegated to the Director of Health, Housing & Adult Social Care to appoint a contractor to carry out the works, subject to the project being deliverable within the available budget.


Reason:     To secure the long term future of Lincoln Court and ensure that it will provide high quality accommodation for older people to help meet the increasing demand for accessible accommodation in the area.



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