Issue - decisions

2012/13 Capital Programme Monitor 2

06/11/2012 - 2012/13 Capital Programme Monitor 2


RECOMMENDED:       That Council agree:


·      the adjustments in the Capital programme of an overall increase of £3.930m in 2012/13 and re-profiling from 2012/13 to 2013/14 and 2014/15 of £553k as detailed in the report and contained in Annex A including the following new schemes:

o   £248k for the provision of a Looked after Children’s Contact Centre funded by £190k departmental borrowing with the associated costs being funded by the savings realised from this service area as a result of delivering this scheme and £58k funded from DfE Children’s Social Care Capital Grant.

o    £2.213m for the outright purchase of Fleet Vehicles previously leased to be funded by prudential borrowing with the associated revenue costs being met from existing departmental revenue budgets.

o   £34k Parks and Open Spaces schemes all funded from S106.

o   £10k S106 CCTV Digital Infrastructure

·       To note the 2012/13 revised budget of £69.033 as set out in paragraph 6 and Table 2 of the report.

·       To note the restated capital programme for 2012/13 – 2016/17 as set out in paragraph 30, Table 3 and detailed in Annex A of the report.

·       To note the re-profiling and adjustments of the Economic Infrastructure fund to align to spend and approval as set out in the Economic Infrastructure reports to Cabinet noting the overall fund remaining at £28.5m.

·       To note the inclusion of the £618k for works at Hazel Court for the Office of the Future funded by prudential borrowing with the associated costs being met from annual revenue savings of £235k from moving out of the Guildhall, St Anthony's and 50 York Road as approved by Council on the 11 October 2012.

·        To approve the use of capital contingency:

o   £31k for Flood Pump Resilience (paragraph 12)

o   £85k for CCTV Digital Infrastructure (paragraph 15)

REASON:             To enable the effective management and monitoring of the Council’s capital programme




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