Issue - decisions

Consultation on the proposed phased closure of Burnholme Community College

15/05/2012 - Secondary Education Provision on the East side of the City and the Future of Burnholme Community College

RESOLVED:       That Cabinet agrees to:

i)             Publish Public Notices in accordance with Section 15(1) of the Education and Inspections Act 2006, to discontinue Burnholme Community College from 31 August 2014.  This to be followed by a six week statutory representation period, after which the LA must  consider any further observations and comments received and decide whether to proceed with the proposals summarised below:

·               It is proposed that Burnholme Community College will remain open until 2014 when students on the roll at the school in the current Year 9, Year 10 and Year 11 have completed their secondary education;     

·               It is proposed that current Year 8 students will continue their education at the Burnholme Community College until the summer of 2013, and will then transfer to other schools.  This means that they will be in their new schools for their year 10 and 11. For students currently on roll at Burnholme Community College in Year 7, it is proposed that they will stay at the school until the summer of 2014, and will then transfer to other schools for their Year 10 and 11.  Detailed transition arrangements will be agreed between schools and in consultation with parents;

·               For students currently on roll at Burnholme Community College in Year 7 and Year 8, transport assistance will be provided if their new school is over two miles from their home residence once they have transferred in 2014 and 2013, respectively;

·               For families of transferring students to receive assistance at the transferring stages with the purchase of new school uniform as required at the receiving school;

·               With the agreement of the governing body of Archbishop Holgate’s CE School, it is proposed that the existing catchment area of Burnholme Community College will be merged with the catchment area of Archbishop Holgate’s CE School.  Those seeking a non faith based school will be offered an alternative secular school.

ii)            Note that the LA will work closely with the governing body of Burnholme Community College and other schools to develop a comprehensive package of support for the school, and  a detailed transition plan for students and staff, that seeks to ensure the best possible education throughout the phased closure.

iii)          Note that the LA will work with Applefields School and other secondary schools in order to relocate the satellite class that has been successfully established at Burnholme Community College.

iv)      Note that the LA, with the York Education Partnership, will continue to develop further proposals that address the projected demand for school places across the city over the next decade, arising from predicted housing development and from the increase in the birth-rate.

v)           Initiate a further specific consultation focussing upon the potential future use of the Burnholme site in the event of the closure of the school.  The recent consultation on the future of Burnholme Community College has highlighted particular concerns about the future of highly valued community services that are based at the College, including the Kids Club, the Burnholme Day Nursery, and Sports Provision including sports fields and MUGA.  The authority will wish to explore options that make best use of the site whilst maintaining community facilities wherever possible.  It is recognised that these important issues and possible options will require wide consultation and detailed debate and consideration.

REASON:          It has been concluded that the educational interests of the children and young people in the city would be best served by a phased closure of Burnholme Community College.



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