Issue - decisions

Public Rights of Way - Proposal to restrict public rights over 7 alleyways in the Southbank area of Micklegate Ward, York

01/12/2009 - Public Rights of Way - Proposal to restrict public rights over 7 alleyways in the Southbank area of Micklegate Ward, York

Option C.            Authorise the making of 6 Gating Orders, excluding Balmoral Terrace, to restrict public use of the alleyways. Waste collection will change from the rear of properties to the front of properties using bags on all alleys.  This option is recommended.


RESOLVED:    That the Executive Member:

i) Approves Option C and authorises the Director of City Strategy to instruct the Head of Civic, Democratic and Legal Services to make Gating Orders over 6 routes, (excluding Balmoral Terrace) in accordance with Section 129A of the Highways Act 1980, as amended. Waste collection will change from the rear of properties to the front of properties using bags on all alleyways.

ii)Requests Officers to seek to address any remaining concerns raised by Ward Councillors and other consultees.

REASON:                  In order that public rights over the alleyways can be restricted under S129A, Highways Act 1980 so that crime and anti-social behaviour associated with the routes can be reduced.


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