Agenda item

Corporate Parenting Review

This report provides further information in support of the Corporate Parenting scrutiny review, including information on the responsibilities of Councillors as corporate parents and details of the Council’s plans to improve the academic achievement of ‘Looked After’ children in York.



Members considered a report which provided further information in support of the Corporate Parenting Scrutiny Review, including information on the responsibilities of Councillors as corporate parents and details of the Council’s plans to improve the academic achievement of Looked After Children.


Members viewed a DVD which explained the Council’s “Pledge” - the City of York Council’s commitment to children and young people in care, which was written by young people and endorsed by the Council. Officers explained that the Pledge was a clear statement to children and young people about what life should be like if the local authority is looking after them.


Members discussed the attainment figures contained in Annex 2. The Virtual Head teacher explained the role of the multi-agency senior leadership team (made up of very experienced practitioners), i.e. to raise the profile of Looked After Children, to liaise with head teachers to make sure tracking mechanisms were in place in schools to ensure Looked After Children were achieving well, and to take action when required.


Members were advised that the School Improvement Partners were currently looking at how the Virtual School could reward Looked After Children for their achievements( including attainment in school and in out of school activities), and would be discussing ways of tracking their attainment when they meet again with Heads in March.


Members noted officers written response to the questions in section 10 of the Local Government Improvement and Development (LGID) document ‘10 Questions to Ask if you’re Scrutinising services for Looked After Children’.  Members were advised that every year elected Members receive a briefing on corporate parenting to increase their awareness of their role.  Also, the Show Me that I Matter Panel (SMTIMP) meets monthly to discuss the views, concerns and ideas of children in care, and meets regularly with elected Members and senior officers to make their views known (including the Cabinet Member for Education, Children and Young Peoples Services).


The Committee learnt that the first meeting of the proposed Corporate Parenting Board would take place in February/early March. The Board would look at issues including a review of the adoption process, fostering processes, children’s homes and would be responsible for holding officers to account.  Members endorsed its establishment and agreed it was a good way to move forward, but asked that the Board look at ways to engage with other elected Members who were not on the Board.


Members agreed that, in view of the proposed establishment of the Corporate Parenting Board, it was no longer necessary to progress the Corporate Parenting scrutiny review. However they agreed it was important that they be kept informed of developments in that area and asked that the Cabinet Member for Education, Children and Young People’s Services keep them updated.


One member reiterated her concerns expressed at the last meeting, regarding the level of pre and post natal support available to parents with learning difficulties. Officers advised that they were working with Children’s Centres to provide information/support for all new parents, including those who have a disability. Officers stressed that any decision to remove a child from the parent was part of a very rigorous process and that process would take into account whether the LA had provided the appropriate support and information to a parent to enable their child to remain in their care. And, therefore the number of children in York entering into the care system for this reason, was tiny.


RESOLVED:      (i)    That due to the establishment of the Corporate Parenting Board, it was unnecessary to continue with the Corporate Parenting Scrutiny Review.


(ii)   That the Cabinet Member for Education, Children and Young People’s Services be asked to keep the Committee routinely informed on progress in this area.


REASON:            To ensure compliance with scrutiny procedures and protocols.

Supporting documents:


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