Agenda item

Revenue Budget Estimates 2010/11

This report is part of the consultation on the 2010/11 budget process.  The report provides details of proposed growth and savings within the Children and Young People’s service area.  Full details of the budget will be considered by the Executive on 16 February 2010 and then Budget Council on 25 February 2010.  The report seeks the comments of the Executive Member on the proposals put forward.


RESOLVED:(i)         That the Executive Member confirmed that the proposals

                                    were in line with the council’s priorities.


(ii)               That the report be referred to the Executive for consideration.


(iii)             That the written and verbal representations made to the Executive Member be taken into consideration when the Executive considers the final budget proposals.


(iv)              That a letter be sent by the Director to all schools to outline the budget constraints and to point out that the services of the Arts Consultants could be purchased directly by the schools.


(v)                That the Director be requested to investigate alternative options for funding the Arts Consultants posts.


REASON:      As part of the consultation on the Children & Young People’s Services budget for 2010/11.


The Executive Member received a report as part of the consultation on the 2010/11 budget process.  The report presented the budget proposals for Children and Young People’s Services and included:

  • The revenue budget for 2009/10 (Annex 1 of the report) to show the original budgets
  • The base budget for 2010/11 including the 2009/10 budget rolled forward and adjusted
  • The cost of pay and price increases, increments and settlement of pay and grading appeals for the portfolio
  • Budget service pressure costs and savings proposals for the portfolio area (Annexes 2 and 3 of the report)
  • Fees and charges proposals (Annex 4 of the report)
  • Residential Homes, Foster Carers, Sharing Care, Adoption and Residence Order Weekly Allowances (Annex 5 of the report)


Full details of the budget would be considered by the Executive on 16 February 2010 and then Budget Council on 25 February 2010.  The report sought the comments of the Executive Member on the proposals put forward.


The Executive Member stated that the budget for 2010/11 was being considered at a time of worldwide recession and of great financial stringency for both national and local government.  The focus had to be on the council’s core functions, the statutory services, front line delivery and working to maintain excellent services.  Following the Baby P case there had been an increase nationally in the number of children coming into care and this had financial implications in terms of the costs of care and court costs.  There were particular pressures on the directorate in respect of children’s social care costs and it was proposed to make significant investment in this area.  These children had no voice in the public arena and it was the council’s duty to care for them. 


The Director gave an update on the directorate’s financial position and areas on which there were significant financial pressures. He stated that it was acknowledged that the work that the arts consultants carried out was of a high quality but the issue was one of prioritisation. 


Officers went through the key issues in the report.  


The Executive Member stated that she had a longstanding commitment to the arts but that the council had a responsibility to the children in its care.  The representation that had been received would be forwarded to the Executive.  The Director would be asked to look at other options for funding the arts consultants posts and to write to schools to advise them that the services of the arts consultants could be purchased directly by schools.


RESOLVED:(i)         That it be confirmed that the proposals were in line with

                                    the council’s priorities.


(ii)               That the report be referred to the Executive for consideration.

(iii)             That the written and verbal representations made to the Executive Member be taken into consideration when the Executive considers the final budget proposals.


(iv)              That a letter be sent by the Director to all schools to outline the budget constraints and to point out that the services of the Arts Consultants could be purchased directly by the schools1.


(v)                That the Director be requested to investigate alternative options for funding the Arts Consultants posts1.


REASON:      As part of the consultation on the Children & Young People’s Services budget for 2010/11.

Supporting documents:


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