Agenda item

Feasibility Report - Access to Dental Services in York

This report asks Members to consider a scrutiny topic registered by Cllr Moore to scrutinise access to dental services in York.


Members received a report asking them to consider a scrutiny topic registered by Councillor Moore to scrutinise access to dental services in York.


Councillor Moore informed the Committee of his reasons for recommending that a review take place, as outlined in the report. 


A representative from the North Yorkshire and York Primary Care Trust (NYYPCT) informed the Committee that members of the Oral Health Group, which included dentists and dental health consultants, were willing to assist in and be involved in the scoping of any such review.  North Yorkshire Council was currently carrying out a review of access to dentists in rural areas and was looking to extend this to a broader review of dental provision.  Consideration could be given to carrying out a joint review into the more general issues although North Yorkshire were not likely to embark upon such a review until summer 2009.


Discussion took place regarding the allocation of “Units of Dental Activity” (UDAs).  The Committee was informed that Doncaster had implemented a different system in respect of UDAs and it was suggested that it might be worthwhile to find out more about this initiative.


It was noted that, at their previous meeting, the Committee had requested specific data from the NYYPCT, including information for the York area only and statistics that enabled year on year comparisons to be made. This information was due to be presented to the Committee in May 2009. It was suggested that it may be useful to defer making a decision on whether to proceed with a review until the committee had received and considered the data from the PCT.  Discussion took place as to ways in which qualitative data could be obtained should a decision be taken to proceed with a review.  It was acknowledged that there may be difficulties in defining patient experience.  Assessments as to a patient’s ability to access treatment may also prove problematic as, for some patients, the issue was that although appointments were available, they needed to access treatment at a time that was convenient to them. 


It was noted that, at their AGM in March, LINk were due to consider whether to undertake a project in respect of dental services.  Views were put forward that it may be helpful to look at the possibility of working jointly with LINk if it was agreed at their AGM to proceed with a review of dental services.


Members were informed that Calderdale Scrutiny Committee had carried out a review of oral health provision.  Copies of their report dated August 2007 were available from the Scrutiny Officer. 


Views were expressed that it would not be advisable to proceed with a review whilst the information from the PCT and the decisions of LINk and North Yorkshire Council were awaited.  Other members stated that a review should take place as soon as possible.


RESOLVED:(i)         That the decision as to whether or not to undertake a

review of access to dental services in York be deferred until the following additional information was available:


·        Statistical data from the PCT (as requested at the previous meeting).

·        Confirmation as to whether LINk was intending to look at dental provision within its workplan1.

·        Confirmation as to whether a Scrutiny Committee of North Yorkshire Council was proposing to carry out a review of access to dental services - this would determine whether it was appropriate to consider carrying out a joint review2. 


(ii)That a briefing note be prepared regarding the arrangements that Doncaster PCT has put in place in respect of UDAs3.


REASON:      To enable the Committee to determine whether there was a need to proceed with a Scrutiny Review in respect of access to dental services in York.

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