Agenda and minutes

Venue: Merchant Adventurers' Hall, Fossgate

Contact: Laura Clark  Executive Support Manager

No. Item


Declarations of Interest

At this point, Members are asked to declare:

·        any personal interests not included on the Register of Interests

·        any prejudicial interests or

·        any disclosable pecuniary interests

which they may have in respect of business on this agenda.



Members were invited to declare at this point in the meeting any personal interests not included on the Register of Interests, any prejudicial interests or any disclosable pecuniary interests they might have in the business on the agenda. None were declared.


Appointment of Lord Mayor

To appoint a Lord Mayor for the 2018/19 Municipal Year.



Councillor Carol Runciman moved and Councillor Stewart Rawlings seconded and the Council unanimously


Resolved:  That Councillor Keith Orrell be elected Lord Mayor of the City of York for the ensuing municipal year.


Qualification of Lord Mayor


Councillor Keith Orrell signified Acceptance of the Office of the Lord Mayor of the City of York, subscribed the Declaration of such acceptance and took the Oath of Allegiance prescribed by the law in that behalf.


Appointment of Sheriff

To appoint a Sheriff for the 2018/19 Municipal Year.


Councillor Keith Aspden moved and Councillor Janet Looker seconded and the Council unanimously


Resolved:  That Mrs Verna Campbell be appointed Sheriff of the City of York for the ensuing municipal year.


Qualification of Sheriff


Mrs Verna Campbell made and subscribed the Declaration of Acceptance of Office of Sheriff for the City of York Council and took the Oath of Allegiance prescribed by law in that behalf.


Appointment of Deputy Lord Mayor

To appoint a Deputy Lord Mayor for the 2018/19 Municipal Year.


Councillor Keith Orrell as Lord Mayor moved and Councillor Ian Gillies seconded and the Council unanimously


Resolved:  That Councillor Barbara Boyce be appointed Deputy Lord Mayor for the ensuing municipal year.


Qualification of Deputy Lord Mayor


Councillor Barbara Boyce made and subscribed the Declaration of Acceptance of Office of Deputy Lord Mayor of the City of York and took the Affirmation of Allegiance prescribed by law.


Lord Mayor's Chaplain


The Lord Mayor advised Council that he had appointed Reverend and Councillor Chris Cullwick to serve as Lord Mayor’s Chaplain during his year of office and expressed thanks to him for undertaking that office.


Sheriff's Humanist Celebrant and Under Sheriff


The Sheriff advised Council that she had appointed Sue Humphries to serve as her Humanist Celebrant and Honorary Alderman Richard Watson to serve as Under Sheriff during her year of office and expressed her thanks to them for undertaking these services to the City.


Vote of Thanks to Outgoing Lord Mayor and Lady Mayoress


Councillor Johnny Hayes moved and Councillor Dafydd Williams seconded and Council unanimously


Resolved:  That the Council express its sincere thanks to the outgoing Lord Mayor and Lady Mayoress for their services to the city during the past municipal year


Vote of Thanks to Outgoing Sheriff and Sheriff's Consort


Councillor Stuart Barnes moved and Councillor Andy D’Agorne seconded and the Council unanimously


Resolved:  That the Council expressed its sincere thanks to the outgoing Sheriff and Sheriff’s Consort for their services to the city during the past municipal year.


Formal Business of Council - Allocation to Seats and Appointments to the Council Structure and Other Bodies for 2018/19 and Allocation of Motions pdf icon PDF 148 KB

To receive a report which asks Council to:


(i)           Agree the allocation of seats in accordance with Annex A; and


(ii)          Approve appropriate nominations to Committees and other bodies, as well as appointments to Chairs and Vice-Chairs, as set out in this report and its annexes, together with details of any further appointments which may be circulated prior to the meeting; and


(iii)         Approve the proposed allocation of motions for consideration at Ordinary Full Council meetings for the duration of the 2018/19 Municipal Year.



Additional documents:


With reference to the recommendations contained at paragraph 18 of the report at page 7 of the Council papers, Councillor Ian Gillies moved the recommendations, which were seconded by Councillor Andrew Waller, namely the allocation of places and Councillors to Committees and other bodies for 2018/19 as shown in the republished papers circulated at the meeting, as well as the proposed allocation of motions for consideration at Ordinary Full Council meetings for the 2018/19 municipal year.


It was then:


Resolved: That Council;


     I.        Agrees the allocation of seats in accordance with Annex A circulated at the meeting and republished online


   II.        Approves the nominations to Committees, other bodies and outside bodies, including the appointment of Chairs and Vice-Chairs to committees, at Annex B, as circulated at the meeting and set out online in the republished papers for the meeting


  III.        Approve the proposed allocation of motions for consideration at Ordinary Full Council meetings for the duration of the 2018/19 Municipal Year, at Annex C to the report.


Reason: To fulfil the Council’s statutory requirements.


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