Issue - meetings

Air Quality Annual Status Report 2024

Meeting: 13/06/2024 - Executive (Item 6)

6 Air Quality Annual Status Report 2024 pdf icon PDF 552 KB

The report details the latest (2023) air quality monitoring results for York and progress on achieving measures in City of York Council’s (CYC) current Air Quality Action Plan (AQAP3) to deliver further improvements in air quality.  The report also provides an update on York’s Fourth Air Quality Action Plan (AQAP4).

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                      i.         Noted the contents of the report (and approve the submission of the Annual Status Report to DEFRA), including the generally improving trend in air pollution in recent years and progress made with delivery of measures in CYC’s Air Quality Action Plan.


Reason:    To ensure that the Executive is aware of current air quality position in the city including continued exceedances of objectives in some areas and progress made with air quality improvement measures.


The Director of Environment, Transport and Planning introduced the report which confirmed that Yorks air quality is improving, but there remains more we can do and some problem areas that remain outside government set limits. He explained that the report would put into perspective the next air quality action plan scheduled to be considered at the 18 July 2024 Executive meeting.


The Executive Member for Environment and Climate Emergency welcomed the progress made in York’s 3 hotspot areas but noted that the Executive were not going to be complacent when it came to further improvements to air quality. She confirmed that outside of the city centre the Council was also taking actions such as writing to farmers about the use of ammonia.


The Executive Member for Transport welcomed the interventions undertaken by the Council to improve air quality. She noted that the transition to electric vehicles would not be enough and that the Executive recognised the need to increase the use of sustainable forms of public transport. She also highlighted how policies which improved air quality and sustainable transport also improved the spaces people live in and use.


Finally the Deputy Leader and Executive Member for Economy and Culture thanked the work of officers and the cooperation of residents in areas such as Gillygate and Lord Mayors Walk. He noted that communities worried there concerns were not taken seriously and hoped that the work of the Council had built trust that the Council would improve air quality, especially in those hotspot areas.  




                   i.        Noted the contents of the report (and approve the submission of the Annual Status Report to DEFRA), including the generally improving trend in air pollution in recent years and progress made with delivery of measures in CYC’s Air Quality Action Plan.


Reason:    To ensure that the Executive is aware of current air quality position in the city including continued exceedances of objectives in some areas and progress made with air quality improvement measures.


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