Issue - meetings

Danesmead Estate Petition

Meeting: 22/06/2017 - Decision Session - Executive Member for Transport - Expired (Item 10)

10 Danesmead Estate Residents' Parking Petitions pdf icon PDF 504 KB

The report acknowledges the receipt of a petition and determines what action is appropriate.




(i)      That Option 3 be approved and that the Danesmead Estate and Fulford Cross Area be added to the Residents parking waiting list and an investigation carried out when it reaches the top of the list.

Reason: Because this will respond to residents concerns in the order they are raised and can be progressed depending on funding available each year.

(ii)      That a strategic review of the Residents Parking policy be undertaken

Reason: To provide a more strategic and effective response to residents parking concerns in the city.



The Executive Member considered a report which informed him of the receipt of a petition which requested that “dangerous and inconsiderate parking on the estate by tackled by double yellow lines and residents parking”


Officers advised that they had received another petition from the Fulford Cross area which was adjacent to the Danesmead Estate. This had been anticipated in the preparation of the Danesmead petition report with option 3 putting forward the possibility of widening the consultation area depending on circumstances at the time. They therefore recommended that consultation on a single residents parking scheme covering both petition areas be carried out in due course.


Councillor D’Agorne addressed the meeting as Ward Councillor for Fishergate. He advised that the current proposals would have an effect on the Steiner School which was why Fulford Cross Area needed to be considered at the same time. He advised that there was evidence of commuter parking in the area with commuters then walking or cycling into town to work and welcomed the inclusion of Fulford Cross in the consultation. He expressed concern that delaying the Beresford Terrace scheme would have a knock on effect and could exacerbate problems on the Danesmead Estate and Fulford Cross, noting that some displacement would occur. He expressed the opinion  that a scheme covering Monday to Friday 9am – 5pm would gain most support.


The Executive Member considered the following options:


·        Option 1, to note the petition but take no action.

·        Option 2, to approve the initial consultation.

·        Option 3, to give approval to progress an investigation when the area reaches the top of the waiting list along with the option of widening the consultation depending on circumstances at the time.



(i)      That Option 3 be approved and that the Danesmead Estate and Fulford Cross Area be added to the Residents parking waiting list and an investigation carried out when it reaches the top of the list.

Reason: Because this will respond to residents concerns in the order they are raised and can be progressed depending on funding available each year.

(ii)      That a strategic review of the Residents Parking policy be undertaken

Reason: To provide a more strategic and effective response to residents parking concerns in the city.




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