Issue - meetings

Community Stadium Project Future Governance arrangements

Meeting: 06/11/2012 - Executive (Item 52)

52 Community Stadium Update pdf icon PDF 142 KB

This report provides an update on the Community Stadium project, including the procurement timetable and risk register, the Business Plan, new Project Management/Governance arrangements together with new interim arrangements for the current Waterworld contract.


Additional documents:


RESOLVED:       That Cabinet agrees to:


i)             Note progress on the project to date and the timetable for the procurement and associated decisions, in particular the key issues, set out in paragraph 9 of the report, relating to the financial challenges facing the future provision of the existing leisure facilities in the City.


ii)            Agree the key amendments to the business case and note the financial implications.


iii)          Note the updated risk register, the potential financial impact of any abortive costs.


iv)          Agree the proposed Governance arrangements for the project.


v)           Note the roles, responsibilities and delegated powers of the key individuals and bodies within the governance structure (set out in detail in Annex 1) and in particular the role of the Project Board set out in paragraph 14 of the report.


vi)             Agree Option C set out in paragraph 35 as the new interim contract arrangements for the Huntington Stadium Leisure Complex (Waterworld).


vii)            Note the financial implications of the interim arrangements for the Huntington Stadium Leisure Complex (Waterworld) contract.


REASON: To update Cabinet on this scheme, agree key amendments and new arrangements for Waterworld in order to progress the project.



Consideration was given to a report which updated Members on the Community Stadium project.


Further information on the procurement timetable, the proposals for new project management/governance arrangements, an update on the business case and risk register and details of the interim arrangements for the current Waterworld contract were set out at paragraphs 3 to 31 of the report.


Proposals for new governance arrangements together with new roles, responsibilities and delegations were reported at paragraphs 11 to 18 and in Annex 1. An update on the business case including the capital costs of the scheme, as approved in March 2012, and those proposed were set out at Table 1 with the project costs at Table 2.


The Cabinet Member presented the report confirming the total scheme costs were unchanged. She also made reference to the proposed interim arrangements for the current Waterworld facility following receipt of notice from the current operator. 


Consideration was then given to the following options open to the Cabinet in respect of the Waterworld premises:

Option A – Close the facility

Option B – Accept keys back from GLL and the Council operate

Option C – Agree new terms with GLL to secure them as operators until the end of the procurement exercise (Confidential Annex 3 provided details of the rental discount).

Officers referred to the key risks set out at paragraphs 48 to 55 and in Confidential Annex 2 of the report which it was confirmed would be managed throughout the project. It was also reported that the current procurement timetable to select an operator for the stadium and existing leisure facilities was due for completion in December 2013 which included a period of slippage up to 30 June 2014.

Following further discussion it was

RESOLVED:       That Cabinet agrees to:


i)             Note progress on the project to date and the timetable for the procurement and associated decisions, in particular the key issues, set out in paragraph 9 of the report, relating to the financial challenges facing the future provision of the existing leisure facilities in the City.


ii)            Agree the key amendments to the business case and note the financial implications.


iii)          Note the updated risk register, the potential financial impact of any abortive costs.


iv)          Agree the proposed Governance arrangements for the project.


v)           Note the roles, responsibilities and delegated powers of the key individuals and bodies within the governance structure (set out in detail in Annex 1) and in particular the role of the Project Board set out in paragraph 14 of the report.


vi)             Agree Option C set out in paragraph 35 as the new interim contract arrangements for the Huntington Stadium Leisure Complex (Waterworld).


vii)            Note the financial implications of the interim arrangements for the Huntington Stadium Leisure Complex (Waterworld) contract. 1.


REASON: To update Cabinet on this scheme, agree key amendments and new arrangements for Waterworld in order to progress the project.



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