Issue - meetings

Extended Services - Activity b Subsidy Pilot Cluster

Meeting: 08/09/2009 - Decision Session - Executive Member for Children and Young People's Services (Item 17)

17 Extended Services - Activity Subsidy Pilot Cluster pdf icon PDF 41 KB

This report gives details of a new stream of funding from the Department of Children, Schools and Families that aims to support the government’s “Narrowing the Gap” and “Improving Well-being” agendas.

Additional documents:


RESOLVED:  (i) That the decision to use the following cluster to pilot the subsidy in year 1 be noted:


                                    Cluster for Year 1 – 2009/10

York High School, Hob Moor Community Primary, Westfield Primary Community and Woodthorpe Primary Schools.


(ii)               That a further report be brought to the Executive Member in February 2010, prior to citywide roll out of the subsidy in year 2, identifying the clustering arrangements across the city and including data on the take-up from the pilot project of both term-time and holiday activities.


REASON:      To support corporate and national objectives to narrow the gap in outcomes for disadvantaged communities.


The Executive Member considered a report that provided an update on a new stream of funding from the Department of Children, Schools and Families that aimed to support the Government’s “Narrowing the Gap” and “Improving Well-being agendas”.  The report informed the Executive Member of the cluster of schools (York High School, Hob Moor Community Primary, Woodthorpe Primary and Westfield Primary) chosen to pilot the subsidy for the period Summer 2009 through to August 2010 (year 1) and the rationale behind this decision.


It was noted that the pilot project addressed one of the recommendations of the Extended Schools Scrutiny Review.


The Executive Member asked officers to give further details as to how the schools had been selected for inclusion in the pilot.  Officers explained that the funding received totalled £82,000 and it had been necessary to identify a cluster of schools to pilot this initiative.  The following factors had been taken into account in selecting York High School, Hob Moor Community Primary, Woodthorpe Primary and Westfield Primary schools:


  • Although there were no formal cluster arrangements in place in York, these schools recognised themselves that they formed a cluster and they already worked together on a range of initiatives.
  • These four schools had the greatest number of Looked After Children and children eligible for free school meals than any other comparable cluster. York High School had the highest number of Looked After Children of any secondary school in York.
  • Inclusion in the project was consistent with the schools’ involvement in other initiatives such as the work that was taking place on transition and involving the community in the life of the schools.


Details were given of the ways in which children were benefiting from involvement in the project, including free participation at activities held at Oaklands Sports Centre. 


The Executive Member asked officers if children were involved in choosing the activities.  Officers confirmed that this was the case and that information on take-up would be collected.


The Executive Member asked if there were plans to explore other indicators of economic disadvantage to enable more children and young people to participate, in addition to those who were eligible because they were in receipt of free school meals or were Looked After.  Officers confirmed that this was an issue that would be considered during the pilot but that it was important not to make the eligibility criteria too complex.


The Executive Member asked officers how cluster working was being developed in York.  Officers stated that consultation would be taking place with schools regarding this matter.  One option would be to consult with schools on the possibility of retaining centrally some of the extended schools budget in order to appoint cluster workers.  Any such appointments would need to be on a temporary basis because of the uncertainty regarding the level of future funding. 



RESOLVED:  (i) That the decision to use the following cluster to pilot the subsidy in year 1 be noted:


                                    Cluster for Year 1 – 2009/10

York High School, Hob Moor Community  ...  view the full minutes text for item 17


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