Issue details

York Central Update

Purpose of Report: The report will provide an update on York Central work to date. This report will consider an updated funding position and consider the financial and land options to take the project forward.

Members are asked to agree further activity and the release of further funding for a package of early site enabling works ahead of the first phase of infrastructure construction and ongoing project and programme management. The report will also consider land and property proposals to enable site clearance and construction to proceed.

Decision type: Key

Decision status: Decision Made

Wards affected: Holgate Ward; Micklegate Ward;

Notice of proposed decision first published: 22/06/2020

Decision due: 23/07/20 by Executive

Lead member: Executive Member for Finance and Performance

Lead director: Corporate Director of Economy and Place

Contact: Tracey Carter, Director Economy, Regeneration and Housing Email:, David Warburton Email:

Consultation process

There has been extensive public engagement dating back to 2016 on the access route to York Central including a detailed Access consultation in 2017, the Festival of York Central on March-April 2018, detailed consultation throughout 2017-18 and a further public engagement in August 2018. The preparation of the Reserved Matters Application has been preceded by further public consultation and the consideration of that planning application has involved statutory consultation.


Agenda items


  • York Central Update  


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