Issue - decisions

Housing and Adult Social Services 2008/09 Directorate and Service Plans

15/01/2008 - Revenue and Capital Budget Estimate 2008/09

Advice of the Advisory Panel


That the Executive Members be advised to note and refer to the Executive the concerns recorded above, together with the following budget proposals:

(i)         the 2008/09 Base Budget as set out in paragraph 7 of the report;

(ii)               the service pressure proposals set out in Annex 2;

(iii)       the savings set out in Annex 3.

(iv)              the fees and charges set out in Annex 4.

(v)                the other revenue budget options for consultation set out in Annex 5.

(vi)       the options for new capital schemes in Annex 7.

(vii)            the Housing Revenue Budget set out in Annex 8


Decision of the Executive Members


RESOLVED: That the advice of the Advisory Panel be accepted and endorsed.


REASON:      As part of the consultation for the 2008/09 budget setting process.


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