Issue - decisions

Reducing Carbon Emissions from York's Public and Private Sectory Housing Scrutiny Report

08/11/2006 - Scrutiny Report: Reducing Carbon Emissions from York’s Public and Private Sector Housing

RESOLVED: (i)         That the report be noted, with thanks to the Officers and Councillors who have worked on it.


                        (ii)        That the recommendations of the Scrutiny Sub-Committee be agreed, subject to the amendments detailed below:



Executive Response

1. That Climate Change Strategies and Action Plans are developed by the Council’s Sustainability Officer as a matter of urgency. This to be done with a view to best practice approaches used by other Local Authorities. Progress on the introduction of such a strategy and action plan be reported to the Scrutiny Management Committee within the next year.

Agreed, with the following change

Delete final sentence.

Insert “Acknowledges that the Council is already well advanced in developing its strategies for dealing with climate change, in so far as it has powers to do so,  and anticipates that a consultants report will be submitted to Executive shortly. At that time the SMC may, of course if they wish, choose to review the contents of the report”.

2. That the Local Development Framework and our present planning policy framework include a Calderdale/Merton Style Target. This target will require developers to ensure that:

? at least 10% of all energy required is provided from renewable sources in all new and significantly refurbished developments from this point and up to 2010, including domestic development.

? After 2010 the target rises for onsite embedded renewables to be greater than or equal to 15% between 2010 and 2015

? Then rises again to be greater than or equal to 20% between 2015 and 2021 etc.

Noted, and the proposal to be referred to the LDF Working Group for their consideration


3. That the City of York Council researches planning policies adopted by other local authorities with a view to applying them in York, if appropriate, in order to specifically ensure energy efficiency by design. That all plans submitted to the Local authority be tested on these criteria.

Noted, and the proposal to be referred to the LDF Working Group for their consideration.


4. That the authority enforce Parts L and F of the Building Regulations as a matter of urgency, resolving any training and resourcing issues that may need addressing

Agreed, with the following addition:

“while recognising that the deployment of resources will be influenced by the Councils annual budget build process”

5. That the Council, through its Elected Member Energy Champion request that the Yorkshire and Humber Assembly and/or Yorkshire Forward facilitate region wide BREEAM assessor training for the region’s Development Control (and other appropriate) Officers with the aim of reducing costs to individual Local Authorities, with the aim of reducing future expenditure.

Agreed, with the following amendment:

Insert, after “through”, “ officers in consultation with”

6. That the City of York Council commit to recommend to appropriate funding bodies - i.e. Housing Corporation - that all new homes standards greater than or equal to Ecohomes ‘Excellent Standards’.

Not agreed.  It is noted that the LDF has already adopted “very good” standards as a target.

7. That as a matter of urgency the Elected Member Energy Champion present a first version of the Regional Assemblies questionnaire to the Executive and thereafter the Regional Assembly, as a record of the authority’s position across all sectors to date.

Not agreed

Insert: “That information, including any response to regional questionnaires,  on the Councils position be reported to the City Strategy EMAP at an appropriate time”

8. That the Elected Member Energy Champion present six monthly updates of the Regional Assemblies questionnaire to the Executive and thereafter the Regional Assembly, as a record of the authority’s progress on energy across all sectors.

Not agreed

Insert: “That information, including any response to regional questionnaires,  on the Councils position be reported to the City Strategy EMAP as part of the annual performance review process”

9. That the authority adopt clearer lines of communication to ensure that information already collated by Housing Officers regarding thermal efficiencies improvements and other Carbon reduction measures, is shared with the Sustainability Officer. This should be done to ensure housing data relevant to the developing Environmental Management System (EMAS) is integrated. Officers in Housing should work with the Authority’s Sustainability Officer to agree the best format for such data sharing and, ensure advice regarding targeted improvements in housing and the reporting of these outcomes are delivered under EMAS


10. That the Housing Strategy & Enabling Group – Housing Standards & Adaptations Officer and other officers in housing where relevant work with York EEAC officers consult upon, devise and adopt a ‘Energy Efficiency and Thermal Comfort Strategy and Action Plan’ for the authority commencing this year. The Officers are recommended to use the Regional Action Plan (Annex C) NEA guidance (Annex F) and activities outlined at paragraph 50 of this report as a primary steer in shaping the process


11. That the Local Authority ensures that CYC Officer and Member Positions on the Energy Partnership Board are always filled.


12. That Annual and inter-year joint working be conducted between EEAC’s Local Authority Support Programme Co-ordinator and CYC Housing Officers to ensure that opportunities for the use of renewables are considered as part of the HRA and Housing Capital Business plan. Where such opportunities are cost neutral or affordable within the life of the business plan, micro-renewables should be installed as part of the development of the business plan. Consultation between housing officers and EEAC should cover improvements scheduled to buildings fabric, such as photovoltaic roof tiles when roofs need replacement and/or heating, water systems replacements (i.e. can carbon minimising heat pumps be applied) etc; Consultation should also explore opportunities to bring in external grants revenue.



REASON:      In order to respond appropriately to the recommendations of the Scrutiny Sub-Committee, taking into account work already in progress and the Council’s financial position.


                        (iii)       That the Sustainability and Energy Champion be requested to report back within three months on work done by the Energy Efficiency Advice Centre and Energy Saving Trust for York’s Strategy in response to the Nottingham Declaration, and on progress made with the Council’s energy efficiency and renewable energy objectives.


                        (iv)       That it be noted that there will be a report from Housing Services relating to tackling fuel poverty, which is part of one of the 13 priorities in the Council’s corporate strategy.


                        (v)        That the Executive expects clear lines of communication of information that can assist with the achievement of grant funding to support energy efficiency and renewable energy features in the Housing Programme, and the take-up of grants to householders.


REASON:      In accordance with the recommendations and to further the Council’s work in improving the energy efficiency of its housing stock.


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