Issue - meetings

Piccadilly city living neighbourhood – Highway changes

Meeting: 17/05/2022 - Decision Session - Executive Member for Transport - Expired (Item 71)

71 Piccadilly city living neighbourhood – Highway changes pdf icon PDF 1 MB

This report summarises the work undertaken so far to develop a preferred design for changes to the highway on Piccadilly (between Tower Street and Merchangate) to deliver the Castle Gateway Masterplan which was approved by the Council’s Executive in April 2018.


Additional documents:




                      i.         Agreed to the implementation of Options B and C. Option B proposes to continue to work with developers and Council led projects in the area to implement the “preferred option” as set out above, with the following elements added:

·        Creation of an additional “integrated”, on carriageway bus stop (with associated facilities and Kassel kerbs) in front of the Banana Warehouse site;

·        Further work to assess the feasibility of implementing an alternative cycle route through quieter streets or segregated cycling provision on Piccadilly (linked to work being undertaken through the City Centre Bus Routing Study/LCWIP/LTP4 processes); and

·        Review opportunities to provide additional public seating within the “preferred option”;

·        Implementation of a 20mph speed limit on Piccadilly.


                     ii.         Option C adds a Review of on street parking provision aiming to maximise Blue Badge parking provision, and to provide a taxi rank and motorcycle parking if possible.

                    iii.        Review what action could be taken on addressing unauthorised vehicle access along Piccadilly – Pavement – Stonebow.


Reason:     To support the delivery of the Castle Gateway Masterplan approved by the Council’s Executive in April 2018 and deliver the Masterplan’s vision for Piccadilly, whilst providing adequate public transport facilities, considering options to improve cycling provision and considering options to improve seating and Blue Badge parking provision. This includes consideration of the Council’s duties under the Equality Act (public sector equality duty).


Officers introduced the report and noted that they planned for new signage to show relevant restrictions for cars travelling on Piccadilly. It was confirmed that bus providers had requested an additional bus stop on Piccadilly and that this was being explored further with providers. Discussion took place regarding the provision of cycle routes and whether these would be on safer quieter routes or whether these could be delivered on Piccadilly. The challenges on kerb side loading was also raised and whether loading bays could be built into developments rather than using the road. Officers confirmed that they could explore kerb side loading options but highlighted concerns of creating awkward and potentially dangerous lorry turning points.


Concerns relating to air quality on Piccadilly was discussed officers noted that while there was an existing car park on Piccadilly they did not expect new developments to increase this, they confirmed that developments were being designed as low car and that with a move to electric buses this should prevent a worsening of air quality in the area.


The Executive Member asked that officers look into signage options to ensure traffic is not incorrectly passing through Piccadilly. He also asked that temporary cycle lanes be added as soon as possible while progress on the other highway changes be progressed.




                      i.         Agreed to the implementation of Options B and C. Option B proposes to continue to work with developers and Council led projects in the area to implement the “preferred option” as set out above, with the following elements added:

·        Creation of an additional “integrated”, on carriageway bus stop (with associated facilities and Kassel kerbs) in front of the Banana Warehouse site;

·        Further work to assess the feasibility of implementing an alternative cycle route through quieter streets or segregated cycling provision on Piccadilly (linked to work being undertaken through the City Centre Bus Routing Study/LCWIP/LTP4 processes); and

·        Review opportunities to provide additional public seating within the “preferred option”;

·        Implementation of a 20mph speed limit on Piccadilly.


                     ii.         Option C adds a Review of on street parking provision aiming to maximise Blue Badge parking provision, and to provide a taxi rank and motorcycle parking if possible.

                    iii.        Review what action could be taken on addressing unauthorised vehicle access along Piccadilly – Pavement – Stonebow.


Reason:     To support the delivery of the Castle Gateway Masterplan approved by the Council’s Executive in April 2018 and deliver the Masterplan’s vision for Piccadilly, whilst providing adequate public transport facilities, considering options to improve cycling provision and considering options to improve seating and Blue Badge parking provision. This includes consideration of the Council’s duties under the Equality Act (public sector equality duty).


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