Issue - meetings

Introduction of Anti-Idling Measures (Including Enforcement

Meeting: 07/02/2019 - Decision Session - Executive Member for Transport - Expired (Item 70)

70 Introduction of Anti-Idling Measures (Including Enforcement) pdf icon PDF 268 KB

This item is to be considered in consultation with the Executive Member for Environment and seeks authorisation from the Executive Members for designated officers to exercise the powers in Regulations 6(3) and 12 of the Road Traffic (Vehicle Emissions) (Fixed Penalty) England) Regulations 2002 to enforce against stationary idling vehicles on the public highway within the boundary of City of York Council and to support anti-idling campaign work.


Resolved:  That agreement be given by the Executive Member for Transport and Planning and Executive Member for Environment, to:

a)    approve the proposed approach and timetable for introduction of anti-idling awareness raising and enforcement measures as set out in this report;

b)   authorise the exercise of the powers in Regulations 6(3) and 12 of the Road Traffic (Vehicle Emissions) (Fixed Penalty) England) Regulations 2002 to enforce against stationary idling vehicles on the public highway within the boundary of City of York Council; 

c)   delegate authority to the Corporate Director of Economy and Place to authorise Officers of the Council as appropriate to make use of these powers and to issue fixed penalty notices and take legal proceedings for stationary vehicle  idling offences;

d)   approve the setting of the allowed period for paying a fixed penalty notice (FPN) (issued for a stationary idling offence) to 28 days beginning with the date of issue of the notice.  If the charge is not paid within 28 days it will increase to £40.

Reason:     To improve air quality and public health and to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and vehicle noise by reducing stationary vehicle idling.




The Executive Member for Transport and Planning considered a report on the Introduction of Anti Idling measures (including enforcement) in consultation with the Executive Member for Environment.

The Executive Members were asked to consider whether to approve the proposed approach and timetable for the introduction of anti idling awareness raising and enforcement measures as set out in the report or whether to request further information/consultation on the proposed approach prior to authorising delegate enforcement powers. They took into account the comments made by four speakers under public participation in relation to this report.

Officers acknowledged that there could be some misinformation/confusion over what idling actually was and explained this for the benefit of those present. In response to examples of idling mentioned by members, officers advised that the issue of idling had been raised at quality bus partnership meetings and that they would ensure that the council’s refuse collection crews were properly informed in relation to idling. They stressed that the intention was to educate all areas of the public to make idling socially unacceptable. They confirmed that an offence only occurred when if someone refused to switch off their engine when asked to do so and that they did not expect a lot of offences to take place.

The Executive Members were advised that the sites listed in the report had been identified during a previous feasibility study and noted the other areas suggested by Councillor Craghill. They acknowledged that the limited resources needed to be targeted where they would be most effective. Officers agreed to update both Executive Members on how the awareness raising and enforcement measures were working after a few months of operation.

Resolved:       That agreement be given by the Executive Member for Transport and Planning and Executive Member for Environment, to:

(i) approve the proposed approach and timetable for introduction of anti-idling awareness raising and enforcement measures as set out in this report;

(ii) authorise the exercise of the powers in Regulations 6(3) and 12 of the Road Traffic (Vehicle Emissions) (Fixed Penalty) England) Regulations 2002 to enforce against stationary idling vehicles on the public highway within the boundary of City of York Council; 

(iii)  delegate authority to the Corporate Director of Economy and Place to authorise Officers of the Council as appropriate to make use of these powers and to issue fixed penalty notices and take legal proceedings for stationary vehicle  idling offences;

(iv) approve the setting of the allowed period for paying a fixed penalty notice (FPN) (issued for a stationary idling offence) to 28 days beginning with the date of issue of the notice.  If the charge is not paid within 28 days it will increase to £40.

Reason:          To improve air quality and public health and to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and vehicle noise by reducing stationary vehicle idling.





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