Issue - meetings

Specialised Diplomas

Meeting: 22/01/2007 - Executive Member for Children and Young People's Services and Advisory Panel (Item 49)

49 Specialised Diplomas pdf icon PDF 39 KB

This report is to update members on developments that have taken place in preparation for the introduction of specialised diplomas in September 2008 and to seek support for changes planned. 

Additional documents:


Advice of the Advisory Panel:


The Executive Member is recommended to approve the plan for the introduction of specialised diplomas.


Decision of the Executive Member:


RESOLVED:    That the advice of the Advisory Panel be accepted and endorsed.


REASON:         To work towards requirements which will be statutory in 2013


Members considered an update report on developments that have taken place in preparation for the introduction of specialised diplomas in September 2008.


Officers said that the bid had been submitted but it would not be known until the end of March whether the bid had been accepted or not. Officers brought to Members attention the possible financial and legal implications that may arise. The Lifelong Learning Partnership was committed to finding £150k contribution if the capital bid was successful and the City of York Council could be required to underwrite this from the schools’ formula capital budget.


Officers said that there was a legal requirement for Local Authorities to ensure that in 2013 there was adequate provision across the city for all 14-19 year old learners to access one of the 14 new diploma lines. There were risks in introducing the new diploma lines but these were being managed.


Members queried the definition of ‘small numbers of students’ and ‘larger numbers of students’ as mentioned in paragraph 2 of the report. Officers confirmed that small means about 20 across each level apart from the construction diploma which would give access to about 12. The larger number would be about 100.


Members asked how well the specialised diplomas would be received by employees and Officers responded that there was still a big job to be done but they were working alongside employees regarding this.


Members asked that if one of the five bids failed would this effect the others and Officers responded that they were all separate and could fail or succeed independently of each other.


Members said that moving from offering 5 to 14 specialised diplomas in approximately 5 years was very challenging; Officers agreed with this but stressed that it was a challenge worth taking.


Members queried the credibility of the specialised diplomas in the eyes of the Higher Education establishments, especially universities, and asked how would the Council convince them to accept the diplomas as entrance qualifications. Officers said that the Government wanted to see 50% of young people in Higher Education and that there was a willingness from the Higher Education establishments to take this on board.


Members queried how the diplomas would fit in the light of the Government aiming to raise the school leaving age to 18 by 2013 and Officers stated that the diplomas could help with this, as it would be essential to offer different forms of education and qualifications to achieve this.


Members asked how work based learning would be developed and the Officer said that, locally, the two week work placement could not be sustained in its present form. There would be some amendments made to the guidelines and at levels one and two of the diplomas simulation and workshop experience may replace work-based learning.


Advice of the Advisory Panel:


The Executive Member is recommended to approve the plan for the introduction of specialised diplomas.


Decision of the Executive Member:


RESOLVED:    That the advice of the Advisory Panel be accepted and  ...  view the full minutes text for item 49


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