Issue - meetings

Petition for a formal pedestrian crossing on Lowther Street near Park Grove Primary School

Meeting: 18/01/2018 - Decision Session - Executive Member for Transport - Expired (Item 56)

56 Petition for a formal pedestrian crossing on Lowther Steet near Park Grove Primary School pdf icon PDF 160 KB

The report acknowledges receipt of a 220 signature petition for a signalised pedestrian crossing on Lowther Street.  It details previous assessments which have been undertaken at this location and seeks permission to investigate other potential improvements to this section of road for pedestrians.

Additional documents:


Resolved:  (i) To acknowledge receipt of the 220 signature petition and note the work which had been undertaken to assess whether this site is suitable for formal pedestrian crossing facilities and for a School Crossing Patrol.


(ii) To instruct officers to investigate, within their 2018/19 programme of works, other potential engineering measures to improve this section of Lowther Street for pedestrians.


Reason:     (i) To note the wishes of the signatories and to note work which has previously been undertaken by officers to assess the suitability of the site.


(ii) To assess whether other engineering options are feasible which would help pedestrians to cross the road.


Mr Gordon Campbell-Thomas spoke in support of the proposed investigation and explained the petitioners’ wish was to find an effectively solution to reducing traffic speed and increasing road-crossing safety, in whatever form that might take.


Cllr Looker, as ward councillor, reported the high volume of traffic she had regularly witnessed on the street and her hope that longer-term work could be done to improve parking and tackle use of the street as a cut-through between larger roads.


Cllr Craghill, as ward councillor, expressed her support for the points raised by the other speakers and asked that a timescale be placed on the completion of the investigation.


The Executive Member acknowledged receipt of a 220 signature petition for a signalised pedestrian crossing on Lowther Street as detailed in the report which also detailed previous assessments undertaken at this location. He considered the comments made during the public participation and confirmed with officers that the investigation could be undertaken within the next financial year.


Resolved:  (i) To acknowledge receipt of the 220 signature petition and note the work which had been undertaken to assess whether this site is suitable for formal pedestrian crossing facilities and for a School Crossing Patrol.


(ii) To instruct officers to investigate, within their 2018/19 programme of works, the feasibility of other potential engineering measures to improve this section of Lowther Street for pedestrians.


Reason:     (i) To note the wishes of the signatories and to note work which has previously been undertaken by officers to assess the suitability of the site.


(ii) To assess whether other engineering options are feasible which would help pedestrians to cross the road.


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