Issue - meetings

Holgate Road (Iron Bridge to Acomb Road) Cycle Scheme

Meeting: 13/10/2016 - Decision Session - Executive Member for Transport - Expired (Item 34)

34 Holgate Road (Iron Bridge to Acomb Road) Cycle Scheme pdf icon PDF 201 KB

This report provides the Executive Member with an update on the advertisement of the Traffic Regulation Order (TRO) required for implementation of the proposed cycle lane scheme. It also summarises the results of further discussions with the owners of numbers 150-154 Holgate Road and makes a recommendation on the way forward.


Additional documents:


Resolved: (i) That the objections to the TRO be noted, but the making of the TRO (subject to a 90 minute non-permit holder exception to the Community bay) be approved. It is further recommended that the implementation of the proposals as shown in Annex A is authorised (with the exception of the parking proposals outside numbers 150-154).

                (ii) That the principle to the creation of a parking area in Chancery Rise (as shown in Annex D) along with the provision of a dropped kerb to facilitate vehicle access to the forecourt area at 150 Holgate Road (part of the scheme shown in Annex C) be approved. Linked to this, the advertisement of a TRO covering the removal of the existing restrictions on the affected part of Chancery Rise, along with the introduction of “no waiting at any time” restrictions to replace the existing on-road parking provision adjacent to 150-154 Holgate Road be authorised.

(iii) That authority be delegated to the Director of City and Environmental Services to decide, following consultation with fellow Officers, about non-residential permit holders parking provision for 30 minutes in the parking space now approved for residential parking.


Reason:  To enhance road safety by providing more continuity of the cycle lanes whilst maintaining good parking provision for local resident and businesses.




The Executive Member received a report which provided him with  an update on the advertisement of the Traffic Regulation Order (TRO) required for implementation of the proposed cycle lane at Holgate Road. The report also summarised the results of further discussions with the owners of numbers 150-154 Holgate Road and made a recommendation on the way forward.

In relation to comments made by the public speaker, Officers welcomed Councillor D’Agorne’s comments on safety and responded that they would consult with colleagues in regards to the proposal for allowing 30 minutes parking on the residential side of the street. The Executive Member felt that this was an Officer decision, and delegated the decision for permitting the variation to the Director of City and Environmental Services.


Resolved:  (i)      That the objections to the TRO be noted, but the making of the TRO (subject to a 90 minute non-permit holder exception to the Community bay) be approved. It is further recommended that the implementation of the proposals as shown in Annex A is authorised (with the exception of the parking proposals outside numbers 150-154).

                (ii) That the principle to the creation of a parking area in Chancery Rise (as shown in Annex D) along with the provision of a dropped kerb to facilitate vehicle access to the forecourt area at 150 Holgate Road (part of the scheme shown in Annex C) be approved. Linked to this, the advertisement of a TRO covering the removal of the existing restrictions on the affected part of Chancery Rise, along with the introduction of “no waiting at any time” restrictions to replace the existing on-road parking provision adjacent to 150-154 Holgate Road be authorised.

(iii)       That authority be delegated to the Director of City and Environmental Services to decide, following consultation with fellow Officers, about non-residential permit holders parking provision for 30 minutes in the parking space now approved for residential parking.


Reason:              To enhance road safety by providing more continuity of the cycle lanes whilst maintaining good parking provision for local resident and businesses.




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