Issue - meetings

Review Report - Neighbourhood Management

Meeting: 26/02/2008 - Executive - for meetings from 03/06/00 to 26/04/11 (Item 170)

170 Neighbourhood Management Review pdf icon PDF 108 KB

This report considers the role of Neighbourhood Management within the Council, in response to the Local Government White Paper ‘Strong and Prosperous Communities’ and The Local Government and Public Involvement in Health Act 2007, and makes recommendations for the future delivery of neighbourhood management in York.

Additional documents:


[See also under Part B minutes]


RESOLVED: (i)         That the content of the report, and in particular the potential opportunities available to strengthen neighbourhood delivery and communications, consultation and involvement of local people in local decisions, be welcomed.


                        (ii)        That, in respect of Issue A, a refreshed model of neighbourhood management broadly in line with Model 1 – increased democracy and participation – be approved, as exemplified in Annex 1 to the report.


                        (iii)       That, in respect of Issue B, Option 1 -  the continuation of a devolution model around delivery via ward committees, as existing, be approved, to support and facilitate engagement at a local level.


                        (iv)       That the development of Neighbourhood Action Plans (NAPs) be approved as a vehicle for delivering the adopted neighbourhood model and tying together the strategic vision of the City and the local vision (Issue C, Annex 2).


                        (v)        That the production of a citywide Consultation and Engagement Strategy be approved to support the refreshed neighbourhood model and consistent consultation across the Council (Issue D, Annex 3).


                        (vi)       That the successful delivery of ward committee local improvement schemes in York, via a participatory budgeting process be noted and that it be recognised that the continuation of this approach will assist the local authority as it continues to inform, consult and involve the local public in local decisions (Issue E, Annex 4).


                        (vii)      That, in respect of Issue F, Option 3 be approved and the Neighbourhood Management Unit (NMU) be requested to work with the Economic Development Unit on options for tackling deprivation in ward based communities.


                        (viii)     That it be noted that it may not be possible to provide additional support for building based community facilities from existing resources within the NMU, but it is anticipated that the demand for additional devolution of this sort will be limited in York (Issue G, Annex 6).


                        (ix)       That it be noted that the Councillor Call for Action (CcfA) will be implemented from April 2008 (Issue H, Annex 7)


                        (x)        That, in respect of Issue I, a review of working arrangements, with those parish councils that request it be approved, in line with Option 2 detailed in Annex 8 to the report, provided that any revised processes are cost neutral.


                        (xi)       That Officers be advised that additional resources are unlikely to be available to the NMU, but that any restructuring proposals considered to be essential can be the subject of a further report to the Executive at a later date.


                        (xii)      That the notice of motion referred to in paragraph 2 be referred to Council together with the recommendations of the Executive on the report.


REASON:      To respond to the issues raised within the Members’ Policy Prospectus on 23 May 2007 and the notice of motion to Council and to provide guidance on options for the future delivery of Neighbourhood Management.


[See also under Part B minutes]


Members considered a report which considered the role of Neighbourhood Management within the Council, in response to the Local Government White Paper ‘Strong and Prosperous Communities’ and The Local Government and Public Involvement in Health (LGPIH) Act 2007, and made recommendations for the future delivery of neighbourhood management in York.


The report provided an update on progress against a number of issues raised in the ‘Policy Prospectus’ agreed by Group Leaders on 23 May 2007, against the background of the legislation and the current role and successes of the Neighbourhood Management Unit (NMU).  It also took account of a notice of motion on Community Leadership and Neighbourhood Management, considered by the Executive on 15 January 2008 (Minute 138 of that meeting refers).  The Executive had deferred referral of the motion to Council pending consideration of this review report.


Members were invited to consider a number of changes to enhance the Council’s approach to neighbourhood management and engagement and, in particular, options in respect of the following issues, as detailed in the report annexes:

Issue A - a refreshed model of Neighbourhood management (Annex 1):

Model 1 – a model developed around increasing the democratic platform of the Council and participation in the decision making process.  This was the recommended option, as it would be simpler to achieve and would meet the government’s agenda;

Model 2 – a model developed around increased localised services and neighbourhood management.

Issue B – option for devolution of ward committees and area forums (Annex 1):

Option 1 – continue with the current arrangements for devolution via ward committees – this would be the option taken should Model 1 above be followed;

Option 2 – transfer support from ward committees to area forums.  This could result in less public engagement but would give NMU officers more capacity to target hard to reach groups and support elected Members.

Issue F – narrowing the gap of deprivation (Annex 5):

Option 1 – continue with the current of budget allocation;

Option 2 – apply a budget matrix alongside a baseline allocation of funding, thereby accounting for deprivation, and publish a Social Inclusion Strategy;

Option 3 – ask the NMU to work with the Economic Development Unit on other options for tackling deprivation in ward based communities.

Issue I – the role of parish councils (Annex 8):

Option 1 – continue the existing arrangements with parish councils (PCs);

Option 2 – review the working relationships with PCs to achieve better co-ordination at a neighbourhood level;

Option 3 – instigate a formal review of parish arrangements in the City, under the provisions of the LGPIH Act 2007;

Option 4 – investigate devolution to PCs, including passporting the ward committee local improvement schemes budget.

With regard to the government’s ‘Councillor Calls for Action’ (CCfA) proposals (Issue H), Members expressed the hope that the CCfA process would be used only rarely, as most issues could be dealt with more appropriately through existing channels.


Having noted the comments  ...  view the full minutes text for item 170


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