Decision details

Stadium Parking impact – Huntington Area

Decision Maker: Decision Session - Executive Member for Transport - Expired, Executive Member for Transport

Decision status: Decision Made

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: Yes


Purpose of Report: The Report outlines the views of residents in the Huntington area on the impacts of match day parking on nearby residential streets.

What will the reports ask the Executive Member to do: To consider the representations received from residents and outline a proposal for future actions to help reduce the impact of match day parking on nearby streets.




                      i.         Approved further investigation into the match day parking on New Lane and Priory Wood Way Glade to develop a proposal on these streets for parking restrictions.

                     ii.         Delegated approval of the proposal and authority to commence statutory consultation to the Director of Environment, Transport and Planning.

                    iii.        Agreed that if objections are received to the statutory consultation to bring these back to a future Executive Member for Transport Decision Session


Reason:     To respect the views of the residents on those streets about their requests for additional restrictions to help with issues related to match day parking.


                   iv.        Approved a review of parking in the Huntington area, due to the concerns raised around the daily issues of vehicles parking too close to the junction and obstructive parking on Hambleton Way at School times. Add any areas that are highlighted as part of the review to the annual review process to be taken forward for statutory consultation.


Reason:     The consultation was undertaken to get a clear view of

issues related to match day parking but we should not ignore other issues that were raised as part of the process.


                     v.        To take no further action on the remaining streets within the consultation area.


Reason:     The residents of the area are not in favour of restrictions due to the personal impact that the restrictions will have on their personal lives as the restrictions will reduce the ability for visitor parking.

Report author: Darren Hobson

Publication date: 17/05/2022

Date of decision: 17/05/2022

Decided at meeting: 17/05/2022 - Decision Session - Executive Member for Transport - Expired

Effective from: 20/05/2022

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