49        Present                       Mr R Shedden (Chair), Mr P Bielby, Mr A Boddy, Mr I Galtrey,

Mr G Robinson, Mr J P Stirke, Cllr A Hook, Cllr J Cattanach,

Mr S Wragg


In attendance - Mr N Everard (Clerk of the Board)



50        Apologies                    Mr R Pennock, Mr R Spilman, Mr P Jones (Consulting Engineer)


51        Declaration of            None



52        Minutes                      The Minutes of the meetings held on 6th February 2023, 5th June 2023

and 19th December 2023 were approved and signed and there were no matters arising.


53        Chairman’s Report   The Chairman reported that maintenance was in arrears due to

wet ground condition.  Contractors have been brought in and they have utilised a tracked machine to minimise damage to the land.  As a result of the very wet conditions there is extensive piling work that will be required in the District and it is proposed to schedule this when ground conditions have improved.


The Direct Labour are currently clearing blockages following storm damage and trees holding back water.  Contractors will be brought in to jet the culvert at Plainville, again as ground conditions permit.


54        Consulting                  The Consulting Engineer’s report dated February 2024, together with

Engineer’s Report     details of planning applications considered, and the consents issued between 3rd November 2023 and 26th January 2024 were approved.


The Clerk reported that there had been a follow up meeting with contractors and Direct Labour to review the work programme and to avoid misunderstandings.  A prestart meeting will be scheduled for next season in June with a view to 30-40km being maintained by direct labour and 30-40km by contractors.


                                    As the maintenance programme is restricted by crops, weather, access and nesting birds, the key actives during the year are:-


Mid July/August to November/December core watercourse maintenance season.

Mid July/August onwards flailing watercourses.

August onwards de-weeding.

September/October onwards desilting.

October to February tree work or access improvements.

January/February roadside watercourses or hand work.

March to July training, plant/machinery services/calibration, trash screen clearance, removing obstructions to flow, review of crop rotations, review of access constraints, maintenance delivery plans for the next season.


Following receipt of complaints in the Wigginton area contractors had been instructed to proceed and they had contacted ratepayers direct.


Nothing further had been heard from the insurers with regard to the claim against the Board.


55        Health & Safety        The Clerk advised that a summary was awaited from the Health &

Report                        Safety advisor following the previous meeting and that an onsite review would be arranged to include the Consulting Engineer.


56        Risk Management     Nothing further had been heard from ADA with regard to the DRS

            Strategy & Policy      rating package, the Strategy and Policy will be reviewed and updated

on completion of the Health & Safety inspection.


57        ADA Update              The Clerk reported on attendance at the ADA Environment Day and

advised that DEFRA are being lobbied to provide additional guidance to the farming industry so as not to impact on access for Boards to carry out essential maintenance.


58        Audit                          An internal audit interim visit has been scheduled.


59        Appointed Members Mr S Wragg on behalf of City of York Council advised that

appointees are currently being considered and the Council were understood to be generally supportive of other representatives for example with special interest.  Cllr J Cattanach on behalf of North Yorkshire Council confirmed that they were reviewing representation and encouraged members if they were aware that the Parish Council representatives or Easingwold Town Council to contact the Clerk.


60        Direct Labour            In accordance with the ADA White Book, the Board approved an

increase of £1,130 consolidated plus 6.45% with effect from 1st April 2024.


61        Tractor & Flail          The tractor and flail replacement had been received and was now

Replacement              operational.  Insurers had required after receipt that a Thatcham

Tracker System be fitted and this was now operational with effect from 31st January 2024.


62        Annual Values           The Annual Values of the Board as at 31st December 2023 was

formally minuted as: -


Agricultural Land & Buildings                       -  £1,070,111

City of York Council                                      -  £2,540,348

North Yorkshire Council -                              -  £   331,548


Total                                                                    £3,942,007



63        Rating 2024/25           The Board considered the previous year’s budget together with

estimated forecast expenditure to 31st March 2024 and the budget for the forthcoming year.  Subject to the abstention of the City of York Council representatives the Board resolved that the Drainage Rate be in the sum of 6.12p in the Pound in respect of Agricultural Land & Buildings in the District. 


It was resolved that Special Levies be raised on billing authorities for the year ending 31st March 2025 as follows: -


City of York Council                                                              £155,469

North Yorkshire Council                                                        £  20,291


The Board approved that the Common Seal be affixed thereto.


64        Clerk’s                        The Board approved the Clerk’s remuneration for the year to

            Remuneration            31st March 2025 as incorporated in the budget of £24,492.


65        Reserves                     The Board confirmed the existing reserves policies as follows:-


                                                New Works and Plant – Capital Reserve – to provide for replacement

of plant together with specified proposed new works.


Revenue Reserve – to maintain the balance of nine months of the net annual revenue expenditure.


66        Accounts                    Accounts for Payment Schedule numbers 14 and 15 were

approved in the sums of £68,858.36 and £38,937.59 respectively.


67        Next Meeting             The Clerk reported that the next meeting was scheduled for                                                 Monday 17th June 2024 at 2.00pm at the Galtres Centre,












The seal of the Board was affixed in the presence of



Chairman ……………………………………….

Mr R Shedden


Clerk of the Board ………………………………

Mr N Everard

