Outside body
York Health and Care Partnership
The role of the York Health and Care Partnership Executive Committee (Shadow) is to work with ICB, Local Government, Provider Collaboratives, and Local Care Partnerships to improve population outcomes reduce inequalities for the people and communities of York, through place-based solutions. The terms of reference will be reviewed every six months to reflect the development of system and place-based working.
Roles and Responsibilities
· To agree and confirm priorities aligned with the York Health and Wellbeing Strategy and ICB strategy.
· To lead and implement the York place plans and the York Health and Wellbeing Plan for health and care including a focus on the prevention of ill health, reduce inequalities and the promotion of wellbeing, including collective and active engagement in the wider local economic growth and regeneration agenda.
· To act as the strategic body for the York Place health and care system, leading and directing strategic development and the effective use resources. Ensuring appropriate arrangements are in place to exercise these functions.
· Effectively manage and plan system resources, where delegated to the Committee from the NHS ICB and any other statutory partner.
· To provide oversight and assurance of progress being made to implement plans that support delivery against agreed priorities.
· Work effectively to coproduce and deliver transformation with statutory partners, the voluntary and community sector, and the citizens of York.
· To act as the formal strategic interface between the NHS and Local Government in York, in furtherance of the duty to collaborate.
· To host current, future, and prospective Section 75 arrangements entered into between City of York Council and the ICB and as between any other bodies that may be permitted by statute from time to time.
· To be the forum for accountability management, dispute resolution and the oversight of pooled and aligned funds allocated to the York health and care system.
· To oversee and facilitate the role of the health and care system in support of Covid-19 recovery, learning and future planning.
· To ensure that people who use services are engaged in and receive and access the right care at the right time and in the right place, minimising hospital and 24/7 care admissions and maximising independence.
· To support the effective interface between local democratic and clinical leadership across the system.
· To ensure effective co-ordination with other regions to ensure a joined-up approach for the whole population of York.
· To continue to work through strategic partnerships in the North Yorkshire and York system where there are identified opportunities to maximise benefits through a unified approach.
The Committee will meet monthly.
Contact information
Anna Basilico
Our representatives
- Councillor Claire Douglas
- Councillor Lucy Steels-Walshaw - Holgate Ward