Issue details

York Green Streets tree planting proposals 2024/25.

Purpose of report: In 2022, officers undertook an opportunity mapping exercise (with the help of external consultant landscape architects) to find suitable sites for new tree planting within York’s urban areas.
The Council Plan contains a commitment plant 4,000 trees within York’s urban area in response to the declared climate and nature emergencies.
Thirteen sites were planted in 2023/24 with c2,500 trees putting the council well on the way to achieving its goal. These sites were fully funded by external grant, including 3yrs maintenance.
A further 47 sites, mainly council owned land, are now being considered for planting in 2024/25.

The report seeks in-principle approval to progress these sites towards delivery subject to relevant external consultation and successful external funding bid.

The action date for this item has been changed to 15 October 2024 as we are awaiting a final report from our consultants on site suitably and potential constraints which will need to be reviewed and consulted on internally. This report will be submitted on 30 August, which would not allow us to meet the deadline for publishing papers ahead of the Executive Member Decision Session on 17 September 2024.

Decision type: Non-key

Decision status: Decision Made (subject to call-in)

Wards affected: Acomb Ward; Bishopthorpe Ward; Clifton Ward; Copmanthorpe Ward; Fishergate Ward; Fulford and Heslington Ward; Guildhall Ward; Haxby and Wigginton Ward; Heworth Ward; Heworth Without Ward; Holgate Ward; Huntington and New Earswick Ward; Micklegate Ward; Rawcliffe and Clifton Without; Westfield Ward;

Notice of proposed decision first published: 12/08/2024

Decision due: 15/10/24 by Decision Session - Executive Member for Environment and Climate Emergency
Reason: The action date for this item has changed. Please open item for more information.

Lead member: Executive Member for Environment and Climate Emergency

Lead director: Interim Director of City Development

Department: Directorate of City Development

Contact: Shaun Gibbons, Head of Carbon Reduction Email:;;, Paul McCabe

Consultation process

The majority of the sites were identified following a ‘call for sites’ in 2022, followed by detailed feasibility assessment.

Internal consultation has been held with CYC archaeology, ecology, arboralist, Public Realm, Highway Assets and Regulation.

Approved sites will be subject to external consultation where required.

Equality Impact Assessment Completed?: EIA will be considered as part of the report.


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