Issue details
To award UK Shared Prosperity Fund grants to York Community Energy
Decision type: Non-key
Decision status: Decision Made
Wards affected: (All Wards);
Notice of proposed decision first published: 28/09/2023
Implication: Property;
Level of Risk: 01-03 Acceptable;
Decision due: 27/09/23 by Corporate Director of Place
Lead member: Deputy Leader of the Council and Executive Member for Economy and Culture
Contact: Neil Ferris tel no. 01904 551448; email: Tel: 01904 55 1448.
Consultation process
York’s Investment Plan was developed in
consultation with the York UKSPF Partnership Board, which includes
key stakeholders from the private, public and community sectors,
together with MPs, Government Departments and other stakeholders.
The role of the Partnership Board is to provide advice and feedback
to CYC, which remains the accountable body and ultimate decision
maker with regard to UKSPF in York.
The Executive Member for Economy and Transport has been consulted
and is supportive of awarding funding to YCE for this