Issue details

York Crematorium Mercury Abatement & Service Improvements

Purpose of report: To advise members of the statutory requirement to abate mercury in flue gases from crematoria and to seek support and guidance in respect of action to be taken at York Crematorium.

Members are asked to: Consider the options for the abatement of 2 or 3 cremators and offer advice to support the budget process.

Decision type: Key

Reason Key: Cabinet Decision - a 'Key Issue' - decision leading to savings or expenditure of £500,000 or above;

Decision status:

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Implication: Financial; Legal; Property;

Level of Risk: 01-03 Acceptable;

Decision due: 19/01/10 by Executive - for meetings from 03/06/00 to 26/04/11

Department: Directorate of Communities & Neighbourhoods


Property, Emergency Planning

Making Representations: N/A

Note posted on Monday, 14 December 2009

The report will need to be removed from the Forward Plan as it will be going to the Private Briefing of Executive on 15th January and they will decide which Executive it will go to. Also the report title has been changed as part of the re-write to give a stronger value for money/customer focus argument. It is now to be called "York Crematorium Mercury Abatement & Service Improvements", but this may yet change slightly again!

Note posted on Monday, 23 November 2009

Chief Exective said report did not convey a strong enough value for money / customer focus argument. Report to be rewritten.


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