Issue details

Beckfield Lane - Continuation of cycle route

Purpose of report: The report will present options for extending off-road cycle facilities along the whole length of Beckfield Lane following the recent construction of an off-road cycle path on the east side from Boroughbridge Road to Ostman Road. This will include the provision of a toucan crossing near Ostman Road where there are local shops.

Members are asked to: Decide on a way forward to extend the existing cycle route on Beckfield Lane.

Decision type: Non-key

Decision status: Decision Made

Wards affected: Acomb Ward;

Level of Risk: 01-03 Acceptable;

Decision due: 07/07/09 by Decision Session - Executive Member for City Strategy

Decision due: 07/07/09 by Executive Member for City Strategy

Lead member: Councillor Steve Galloway

Lead director: Corporate Director of Economy and Place

Department: Directorate of Economy and Place

Contact: Louise Robinson Email:

Consultation process




Making Representations: N/A


Agenda items


  • Committee Report for Beckfield Lane - Continuation of cycle route  


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