Issue - decisions

Consideration of results received from the consultation to extend R23 Residents Parking Zone to include Government House Road and a decision to be ma

22/07/2024 - Consideration of results received from the consultation to extend R23 Residents Parking Zone to include Government House Road and a decision to be made on implementing restrictions on Water End slip road

Resolved:          That Option 1, outlined in paragraphs 35-36 of the report, be approved; viz.


That an amendment to the Traffic Regulation Order be advertised, to introduce new Residents’ Priority Parking restrictions for Government House Road, operating 24 hours Monday to Sunday, to be an extension of R23.

Also to advertise the introduction of ‘No Waiting at any Time’ restrictions (Double Yellow Lines) on Water End slip road to restrict parking 24 hours a day.

Reason:              This supports the Council’s Local Transport Plan objective to transfer commuting and visitor trips to the Park & Ride services, support residents’ cycle and pedestrian access needs to the cycle route networks and riverside paths, addresses the parking displacement issues which would arise if restrictions were only implemented in one area, and acknowledges the views of the majority of residents on Government House Road.



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