Issue - decisions

To acknowledge receipt of a petition to review road safety around Fishergate Primary School

22/07/2024 - To acknowledge receipt of a petition to review road safety around Fishergate Primary School

Resolved:                That recommendations a)-b) in paragraph 9 of the report be approved, with amendments, viz.


a)   That the petition and the concerns raised by the petitioners with regards to road safety in and around the area of Fishergate School be acknowledged;


b)   That the inclusion of the Fishergate School area, including Kent Street and Blue Bridge Lane, into the Council’s Safe Routes to School programme for 2024/25 be approved to enable a feasibility study to be conducted and officers to report back once the study is completed.


Reason:              To review the issues identified by the petitioners, the Executive Member and CYC officers and identify possible measures to address them and improve road safety in the vicinity of Fishergate School.


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