Issue - decisions

Badger Hill Action Group Petition: Over develoment of family homes to student lets

16/01/2007 - Badger Hill Action Group - Petition: Over development of family homes to student lets

Advice of the Advisory Panel

That the Executive Member for City Strategy be advised to:

(i)                 Ensure that policies H7 and H8 are enforced through the decision making process;

(ii)               Request that as part of the Local Development Framework, officers explore a policy approach to ensure student housing is accommodated in an appropriate way in the City;

(iii)             Ask Officers to advise the main petitioner of the outcome of the recommendation;

(iv)              Request that the issue be referred to the Local Development Framework Working Group for consideration. 


Decision of the Executive Member for City Strategy


RESOLVED:             That the Advice of the Advisory Panel be accepted and endorsed.


REASON:                  (i) To ensure that development accords with approved Local Plan policies;

                                    (ii) To help strengthen the policy approach to student lets, protecting family dwellings;

                                    (iii) To keep the petitioner informed of progress of the issues;

                                    (iv) To further address issues raised in the petition. 


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