Issue - decisions

Approval for Funding to re-develop the Osbaldwick Travellers Site

06/11/2013 - Travellers Site Provision - Extension of Osbaldwick Site

[See also Part B minute]


Resolved:           That Cabinet agree to approve Option 1to provide financial support for the extension of the Osbaldwick Travellers Site.


i)That Cabinet recommend to Council a capital budget of £763.5k to be funded from external grant of £423.5k and prudential borrowing of £340k.


iii)That Cabinet/Council note the prudential borrowing will be repayable from additional rental income and that the terms of the borrowing and repayments will be agreed by the Director of Customer & Business Support Services.                                    


Reason:   To ensure that the council plays an active role in meeting the long term accommodation needs of the travelling community


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