Issue - decisions

Crematorium Mercury Emissions

10/06/2006 - Crematorium Mercury Emissions

Members received a report which informed them that new regulations had been introduced which required abatement technology to be installed in cremators to minimise the emission of mercury from crematoriums and sought advice on the options for modifying the existing equipment.


The report explained that The Federation of British Cremation Authorities had set up the Cremation Abatement of Mercury Emissions Organisation (CAMEO), which was a burden sharing scheme.  The scheme aimed to safeguard the industry, in which 23% of existing crematoria could not physically install abatement plant, and to minimise additional costs for the bereaved.


Paragraphs 19-23 of the report presented five options for consideration:

·        Option A – to do nothing.

·        Option B – to seek a trading agreement through the CAMEO scheme.

·        Option C– to install abatement equipment to deal with 50% of cremations.

·        Option D– to install abatement equipment to deal with 100% of cremations and remove one cremator, so as to install the equipment.

·        Option E – to install abatement equipment to deal with 100% of cremations and retain three cremators.


Members referred to problems encountered with the York cremators earlier in the year at the Crematorium when use had to be made of facilities in Leeds adding to the distress of bereaved families. In view of these problems and to give security for the future


Councillor Potter then moved and Councillor B Watson seconded that:


 “The Executive Member be advised to accept Option E to install abatement equipment to deal with 100% of cremations and retain three cremators”


On being put to the vote, the motion was declared LOST.


Advice of the Advisory Panel


That the Executive Member be advised:


(i)                 That the intention to install mercury abatement equipment be indicated to the Council’s regulator under the Environmental Protection Act (City of York Council Environmental Protection Unit);


(ii)               That the preferred option be Option D as indicated in paragraph 22 of the report;


(iii)             That Officers be instructed to proceed with obtaining accurate costings for the approved option, which would form part of the budget submission for2007/08;



Decision of the Executive Member


RESOLVED:That the advice of the Advisory Panel be accepted and the suggested decisions, above, be endorsed.


REASON:To enable the Council to meet the highest targets of the government’s commitment to mercury abatement and satisfy future legislative requirements.


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