Issue - decisions

Admission Limits for Primary and Secondary Schools in York from September 2007

09/06/2006 - Admission Limits for Primary and Secondary Schools in York from September 2007

Members received a report which sought approval in respect of the proposed individual school maximum admission limits for the academic year beginning in September 2007. The following was discussed:


  • Members raised concerns that when admission limits changed significantly, schools may permanently commit class space for other purposes, leaving the changed limit unalterable. Officers reported that they had the same concerns and limits were to be reviewed if required.
  • Members commented that as Clifton Without Junior School was increasing in size, appropriate structures should be in place, as the school would be significantly large for a primary school.
  • Members noted the movement between catchment areas of some pupils.


Advice of the Advisory Panel:


That the Executive Member be advised to approve the proposed admission limits for the academic year beginning September 2007 as detailed in Annex 1.


Decision of the Executive Member:


RESOLVED:That the advice of the Advisory Panel be accepted and endorsed.


REASON:      To meet the requirement of Local Authorities to consult on, set and publish admission limits for schools.


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