Issue - decisions

Standard charges for the use of Residential Homes and Foster Carers, Sharing Care, Adoption and Residence Order Weekly Allowances

09/06/2006 - Standard charges for the use of Residential Homes and Foster Carers, Sharing Care, Adoption and Residence Order Weekly Allowances

Members received a report which sought approval for the level of charges to other local authorities for the use of services within the Children and Families portfolio for residential care homes. It also considered proposed foster care, sharing care, adoption and residence order weekly allowances for 2006/07.


There were no alternative options regarding the standard weekly charges for residential care homes as there was a legislative requirement that the charges were calculated following national guidelines provided to all local authorities.


There were a number of options for setting the foster care, sharing care and adoption allowances as the authority had the discretion currently to set the rates at whatever level it deemed appropriate and affordable. These included:

·    Option A - to increase the foster care, sharing care and adoption allowances to the amounts proposed within the report;

·    Option B - not to increase the foster care, sharing care and adoption allowances but leave them at the 2005/06 rates or to increase them by less than the amounts proposed within the report;

·    Option C - to increase the foster care, sharing care and adoption allowances by more than the amounts quoted within the report.


The following was discussed:


  • Concerns were raised that the foster care system was vital if the number of children’s homes was to be reduced, and that foster carer numbers may reduce if the 2.3% increase on the minimum payment of foster carers was below the rate recommended nationally. It was reported that the payment covered weekly allowances and there were additional payments for skill levels. 60% of carers were at the higher skill level.
  • Rates were competitive with other local authorities as there was now a professional foster carer scheme. Although other authorities had a higher basic allowance, this authority provided additional payments no longer provided by others.
  • Carers received ongoing training, and it would be decided which level the carer should progress to at an annual review.
  • Members thanked all 82 foster carers.


Advice of the Advisory Panel:


That the Executive Member be advised to approve the following changes with effect from 2 April 2006:


(a)   the standard weekly charges for residential care homes as shown in Annex A.

(b)    ·   the foster carers weekly allowances and skill premiums

            shown in Annex B.

·  the additional foster carers weekly allowances as shown in

            Annex C.

·  the weekly adoption allowances and residence order allowances as shown in Annex D.

·  the sharing care allowances as shown in Annex E.


Decision of the Executive Member:


RESOLVED:That the advice of the Advisory Panel be accepted and endorsed.


REASON:      To set the standard charges and weekly allowances at an appropriate level.


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