Agenda item

100 Main Street Fulford York YO10 4PS [23/01234/FUL] (4.36 pm)

Conversion of Nos. 100-102 to provide 4no. dwellings with external alterations and extensions. Erection of 1 no. dwelling to the rear and parking. (resubmission).  [Fulford and Heslington Ward]


Members considered a full application by Bootham Developments LLP for the Conversion of Nos. 100-102 to provide 4no. dwellings with external alterations and extensions. Erection of 1 no. dwelling to the rear and parking. (resubmission)


The Development Manager gave a presentation on the plans and the Development Management Officer provided an update which noted, in relation to paragraph 1.7, that the decision on application reference 22/02437/FUL had been quashed by the Court and remitted back to the LPA for re-determination. It also summarised one additional representation.  The officer’s recommendation remained for approval, subject to the conditions set out within the report.


Members sought clarification regarding the bat survey and the Senior Ecologist reported that condition 3 required a licence from Natural England prior to demolition, therefore any bat roost was legally protected.


It was also confirmed by officers that the parking plans were considered sufficient for the site.


Public Speakers


Parish Cllr Mary Urmston spoke in objection to the application on behalf of Fulford Parish Council.  She raised concerns in relation to the damage to the character of the non-designated heritage asset, the difficulties with access to the site and the bat survey.


In response to questions from Members Parish Cllr Urmston stated that a full bat survey had not been carried out and that a derogation test was required.


Cllr Ravilious, the Ward Councillor, had registered to speak in objection to the application.  As she was unable to attend the meeting, the Chair read out her statement.  She raised concerns regarding the access and parking arrangements.


Lee Vincent, the agent for the applicant, spoke in support of the application.  He outlined the plans for small dwellings, similar to those on Main Street, with limited change to the street scene.  He acknowledged the limitations of the onsite parking arrangements, noting that vehicles would be able to enter and exit in forward gear.


In response to questions from Members, he stated that he was not aware of how the access to the site worked when it was a dairy.


In response to further questions from Members, Officers clarified the measurements for the entrance to the site and reported that:

·        Condition 14 could be amended, if required, to ensure that the cycle storage was covered.

·        The internal structure of the semi-detached properties would be entirely new, with the façade on Main Street being retained.

·        Nothing could happen on site until the bat licence was issued, as per the conditions. Natural England were known to reject applications on the basis of over mitigation.

·        The buildings and site were not necessarily suitable for swifts, the provision of bird boxes should be site specific and based on the survey data.


Following debate, Cllr Fenton moved the officer recommendation to approve the application, the motion was seconded by the Chair.


Members voted unanimously in favour of the recommendation and it was:


Resolved:            That the application be approved, subject to the completion of a s106 agreement and the amendment to condition 4 to require 2 Swift boxes in the construction.


Reason:              The proposal seeks the re-use and renovation of an existing brownfield site to provide 5no. dwellings within the centre of Fulford. Significant weight is attached to the provision of housing and the renovation of the site within the designated heritage asset. The works to the frontage buildings respects the character and integrity and will help secure their long-term future. The layout and design of the dwelling to the rear respects the plot layout and spatial form. The works are considered to enhance the Conservation Area and its setting. Each dwelling will utilise the existing access from Main Street and will be provided with an off-street parking space and cycle storage which is considered acceptable. Matters such as ecology, contamination, drainage, archaeology, landscaping, materials, noise, sustainability and amenity can be dealt with via conditions. The proposal accords with national planning policy and draft local policy therefore is recommended for approval subject to conditions and subject to the signing of a legal agreement to secure an off-site play and amenity space contribution in accordance with policy GI6 of the Draft Local Plan (2018).


[5.33 to 5.38 pm, the Chair took a brief adjournment.]

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