Agenda item

Audit & Counter Fraud Progress Report (6:56 pm)

This report provides an update on the delivery of the internal audit work programme for 2023/24 and on counter fraud activity undertaken so far in the year.


Members considered a report that provided an update on the delivery of the internal audit work programme for 2023/24 and on counter fraud activity undertaken so far in the year.


The Head of Internal Audit provided an overview and noted the annexes to the report. He confirmed that they had received good corporation from council officers and had progressed with no significant issues. 


The Assistant Director for Audit Assurance discussed the delivery of the internal audit services for City of York Council. He informed Members that since the last meeting, Veritau had finalised eight audits, which also included the addition of insurance and risk management reports, reducing the outstanding audits to three.  The appendices, to Annex 1 of the report, were then brought to the attention of the Committee.


The Assistant Director of Corporate Fraud provided an overview of the corporate fraud service, as noted within Annex 2 to the report. He confirmed that the team had received 126 reports of suspected fraud and had completed 41 investigations to date.  The Assistant Director highlighted a typo within Appendix A, to Annex 2, where the second column of the first chart and the first column of the second chart should read 2023/24.


At 7:05 pm the meeting closed to press and public and Members received an overview on the Jewson managed stores contract.


Resolved: That the progress made in delivering the 2023/24 internal audit work programme, and current counter fraud activity, be noted.


Reason: To enable Members to consider the implications of audit and fraud findings.




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