Agenda item

12 Sturdee Grove, York, YO31 8FD [22/02349/FULM] (4.38 pm)

Members will consider a major full application by the Joseph Rowntree Housing Trust for the erection of two storey apartment building containing 10no. units, including associated landscaping, vehicle access with parking, following demolition of existing bungalow [Heworth Ward]


The committee considered a major full application by the Joseph Rowntree Housing Trust (JRHT) at 12 Sturdee Grove, York, YO31 8FD,  for the erection of two storey apartment building containing 10 no. units, landscaping, vehicle access with parking. 


The Head of Planning and Development Services gave a presentation on the plans and the Development Management Officer explained the additional written information provided at the meeting.  This included the amended wording for recommendation (i) as follows:


The completion of an agreement made pursuant to section 111 of the Local Government Act 1972 between the Council and the developer, providing that the developer will immediately upon completion of the land transfer (or any part thereof) enter into a Section 106 Agreement(s) that covers the whole of the application land (or the land to be transferred) with the Council as local planning authority containing the planning obligations set out below:

·       A contribution of £6,000 towards a Traffic Regulation Order.  Unspent funds would be re-funded. 


·       A contribution of £2,130 towards the improvement of sports and leisure provision within 2km of the development. 


·       A contribution of £1,510 towards improved seating provision at King George’s Field.


·       Payment of the Local Planning Authority’s fees associated with the preparation of the legal agreement).


There was also a change to recommended condition 4 (Boundaries), as follows:


To allow the Local Planning Authority to ensure that access gates leading to the garden area meet the needs of people pushing cycles or using mobility scooters the condition below has been changed to make reference also to details of the gates.


Notwithstanding the details shown on the approved drawings details of means of enclosure, including access gates shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority before the installation of such means of enclosure and access gates and they shall be provided in accordance with the approved details before the development is occupied.

Reason:  In the interests of the visual amenities of the area, the amenities of neighbouring properties and convenience of users of cycles/mobility scooters.


In response to questions from Members on the plans, it was reported that:

·       Sustainable design was achievable through current building regulations. It was not possible to comment on the impact of future legislation.

·       The location of the crossing had not been finalised.

·       Car parking was estimated at XX

·       The intention for the building and therefore the design for the accommodation was for disabled and/or elderly residents.


Public Speakers


Lynn Jones, a resident, spoke in objection to the application.  She raised concerns regarding the access to parking and the overdevelopment of the space.


Elizabeth Griffiths, a resident, spoke in objection to the application.  She highlighted concerns regarding the impact on wildlife as well as the disruption to residents and loss of car parking during the build.


Cllr Warters spoke in objection to the application.  He outlined his concerns relating to the overdevelopment of the site, loss of green space and biodiversity as well as the loss of car parking for existing residents.  He also expressed concerns regarding JRHT meeting conditions 5, 8 and 14 of the report.


[5.01 pm Cllr Warters left the meeting and took no further part in the consideration of the item.]


David Boyes-Watson, agent for the applicant, spoke in support of the application.  He described the plans and highlighted the sustainable elements of the build, as well as the aim to deliver affordable housing within the city.


In response to questions from Members, he clarified residents parking, which he explained was unallocated.  He confirmed that the intention was for 60% of the homes to be affordable rent and 40% shared ownership.  Solar panels would be on the building rooves, so green rooves were not possible in this instance.


Officers responded to further questions from Members as follows:

·       Condition 14, in relation to crossings, this could be made more detailed to include colour as well as the tactile requirements, if desired.

·       The parking plan was the responsibility of JRHT.  However, a condition could be added for a parking management plan to explain how the spaces would be used in future.


Following debate, Cllr Hollyer moved the officer recommendation to approve the application, subject to the changes to recommendation (i) and condition 4 (Boundaries), as outlined in the written additional information provided at the meeting, and with the additional condition for a parking management plan as referred to above.  This was seconded by Cllr Waudby. 


On being put to a vote, Members voted 7 in favour and 1 against, it was therefore:


Resolved:             That the application be approved.


Reason:               The proposal is to construct a two storey pitched roof building containing 10 one bedroom flats. It would be located on a mix of land uses including a communal garden serving two blocks of flats on Fossway, a warden’s bungalow and communal off-street car parking serving JRHT homes on Sturdee Grove.  The accommodation would be built to enhanced access standards to support use by the elderly and disabled people. 


The applicant has indicated that the homes will be affordable and occupied by the elderly or people with disabilities, however, there is no policy requirement to provide affordable housing for a development of the size proposed.  The applicant is unwilling to accept a condition restricting the ‘groups’ who can occupy the flats  - they state that this would undermine their ability to gain a loan to develop the scheme.  Although it might be likely that the property is occupied as affordable accommodation by older people and is suited for occupation by people who are elderly or disabled, it must be assessed on the basis that it is open market accommodation with no occupancy restrictions.


If approved the scheme will see the loss of most of the communal garden space associated with 16 flats on Fossway.  The communal land is owned by the Council’s Housing Department and they do not object to the proposals given they consider it will enable sites in different ownerships to be combined to bring forward new affordable housing.  It is considered that the communal land that will be lost serves a relatively modest role in terms of meeting the day to day needs of the occupants.  In terms of access to open space, King George’s Field is within close proximity.


It is considered that the proposed development would sit comfortably in its surroundings and would not have an unacceptable impact on neighbours living conditions.  Subject to the proposed new landscaping being conditioned it is not considered that the loss of existing trees and vegetation on the site would detract from the streetscene, or the ecological value of the site. Taking account of existing parking conditions in the vicinity and the fact that the proposed flats would contain 1 bedroom, it is considered that ten off-street parking spaces when coupled with available on-street parking provision will allow the development to be constructed without having an unacceptable impact on highway safety or local parking needs.


On balance the proposal is considered acceptable and approval is recommended subject to conclusion of a Section 106 Agreement securing commuted payments towards off site open space and leisure improvements in the locality and funding towards a Traffic Regulation Order should it be required following occupation. 


[5.25 pm The meeting adjourned to enable Cllr Warters to re-join the meeting]



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