Agenda item

Fishergate CP School, Fishergate, York, YO10 4AF [22/00787/GRG3] (6.23 pm)

Installation of enclosed Multi Use Games Area pitch to playing field at rear of school. [Fishergate Ward]



Members considered an application from Fishergate Primary School for the installation of enclosed Multi Use Games Area (MUGA) pitch to playing field at rear of school.


The Development Manager gave a presentation on the application and provided an update as follows:


Flood Risk Management Team comment


The MUGA is to be constructed in a grass field the applicant has not provided any surface water drainage or construction details. MUGAs are constructed in a semi-impermeable material therefore will increase surface water run-off (0.04 - 4.2 l/sec).

Recommend a surface water drainage condition.


Additional conditions


No development shall take place until details of the proposed means of surface water drainage, including details of any balancing works and off site works, have been submitted to and approved by the Local Planning Authority.  The development shall be constructed in accordance with the approved details.


Reason: In the interest of satisfactory and sustainable drainage.


He also noted that Public Protection had requested a condition limiting the use of the pitch to 6pm.  As floodlights are not proposed, the use was limited to daylight hours. 


Public Speakers


Tina Clark, Headteacher of Fishergate Primary School, spoke in favour of the application and explained that the MUGA would ensure that the children could access outdoor space all year round.  She confirmed that it was for school use only and that a curfew would not cause a problem for them.


David Pennington, PE Co-ordinator, explained how the MUGA  would enable the school to offer a wider range of sports and extracurricular clubs and also allow house competitions to be played at the same time.


In response to questions from Members he confirmed that the Sports England objection related to the size of the pitch and confirmed that tennis, netball and basketball would be provided including house competitions.


The officer responded to questions from Members and confirmed that the addition of floodlights would require a further planning application.


Following debate, Cllr Crawshaw moved the officer recommendation to approve the application.  Cllr Looker seconded the proposal.  The addition of a condition limiting the use of the MUGA until 18:00 only was clarified and agreed by Members.  A vote was taken and Members voted unanimously in favour of the motion, it was;


Resolved:            that the application be approved, subject to referral to the Secretary of State as recommended in the report.


Reason:              Having carefully assessed the proposed development, all material planning considerations and all representations received, it is considered to represent an appropriate form of development in this location that will not result in harm to the

amenity of residents, the setting of heritage assets or be harmful to the provision of recreation spaces in the area.


In accordance with statutory requirements, Sport England have been consulted.

The unresolved Sport England objection means that the provisions of The Town and Country Planning (Consultation) (England) Direction 2021 apply. The Direction requires local planning authorities in England to consult the Secretary of State before granting planning permission for certain types of development. Should members be minded to grant permission the application is required to be referred to the Secretary of State before a decision can be issued.



Resolved:            The hereby approved Multi Use Games Area shall not be used outside of the following hours:


Monday to Friday 08:00 to 18:00

Saturdays & Sundays 09:00 to 18:00


Reason:               To protect the amenity of residents living in the vicinity of the site.


Supporting documents:


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