Agenda item
Securing the Future of the Bootham Park Hospital Site
The Director of Housing, Economy & Regeneration to present a report which sets out the terms negotiated with NHS Property Services Limited, Enterprise Retirement Living Limited and the York and Scarborough Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust to help secure the future of the former Bootham Park Hospital site, and seeks approval for a series of legal agreements and leases relating to public use of land around the site.
Resolved: (i) That the good progress made by officers in negotiating and securing the desired outcomes of continued beneficial use of the parkland and improved pedestrian and cycle routes through the Combined Site required from the redevelopment of the BPH Site, as identified by citizens and stakeholders during extensive public engagement in 2018 and 2019, be noted.
Reason: To confirm that the aspirations of citizens and stakeholders concerning beneficial use of the parkland and improved pedestrian and cycle routes through the Combined Site can be secured.
(ii) That it be noted that, as part of the negotiated agreements, a financial consideration will be paid to the council in exchange for the council granting ERL a lease of the Accessway for a term of 999 years (“the Accessway Lease”).
Reason: To confirm that best value consideration has been secured.
(iii) That approval be given to establish a set of legal Agreements and Leases, as set out in the Legal Implications section of the report and in Annex 2, in order to:
a. grant the Accessway Lease;
b. receive the payment of a Premium and the proceeds pursuant to the terms of an Overage Share Agreement;
c. secure, for a 999 year term, public access to and use of the majority of the Parkland in front of the hospital buildings as well as sport and curriculum use;
d. secure the right of access for pedestrians and cyclists at all times and for all purposes through the Combined Site; and
e. by way of a Development Agreement, the improvement of the Parkland, the pedestrian and cycle paths and the railings that surround the BPH Site.
(iv) That authority be delegated to the Director of Housing Economy and Regeneration, in consultation with the Executive Member for Finance and Performance and the Executive Member for Transport, to agree the final specification of the Pedestrian and Cycle Path Works,.
(v) That authority be delegated to the Director of Governance, in consultation with the Director of Housing Economy and Regeneration, to finalise the terms of and for the council to enter into these Agreements and Leases.
Reason: So that the council can secure beneficial public use of the majority of the parkland in front of the hospital building and improved pedestrian and cycle routes through the Combined Site, delivering on the priorities of York citizens and stakeholders as expressed during extensive consultation in 2018 and 2019.
The Director of Housing, Economy & Regeneration presented a report which set out the terms negotiated with NHS Property Services Limited, Enterprise Retirement Living Limited and the York and Scarborough Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust (District Hospital Trust) to help secure the future of the former Bootham Park Hospital (BPH) site, and sought approval for a series of legal agreements and leases relating to public use of land around the site.
On 21 January 2020, Executive had agreed that the council would use its rights as the owner/landlord of a strip of access road to the combined District Hospital Trust and BPH site to secure beneficial public use of the parkland in front of the hospital building, improved pedestrian and cycle routes through the site, and the delivery of homes and services. Negotiations had now been concluded, and the outcomes secured, including £1.9m investment in the public realm, were detailed in the report.
Members welcomed the report and the Chair thanked everyone involved in reaching this point, including those who had shared their views during extensive public engagement in 2018 and 2019.
Resolved: (i) That the good progress made by officers in negotiating and securing the desired outcomes of continued beneficial use of the parkland and improved pedestrian and cycle routes through the Combined Site required from the redevelopment of the BPH Site, as identified by citizens and stakeholders during extensive public engagement in 2018 and 2019, be noted.
Reason: To confirm that the aspirations of citizens and stakeholders concerning beneficial use of the parkland and improved pedestrian and cycle routes through the Combined Site can be secured.
(ii) That it be noted that, as part of the negotiated agreements, a financial consideration will be paid to the council in exchange for the council granting ERL a lease of the Accessway for a term of 999 years (“the Accessway Lease”).
Reason: To confirm that best value consideration has been secured.
(iii) That approval be given to establish a set of legal Agreements and Leases, as set out in the Legal Implications section of the report and in Annex 2, in order to:
a. grant the Accessway Lease;
b. receive the payment of a Premium and the proceeds pursuant to the terms of an Overage Share Agreement;
c. secure, for a 999 year term, public access to and use of the majority of the Parkland in front of the hospital buildings as well as sport and curriculum use;
d. secure the right of access for pedestrians and cyclists at all times and for all purposes through the Combined Site; and
e. by way of a Development Agreement, the improvement of the Parkland, the pedestrian and cycle paths and the railings that surround the BPH Site.
(iv) That authority be delegated to the Director of Housing Economy and Regeneration, in consultation with the Executive Member for Finance and Performance and the Executive Member for Transport, to agree the final specification of the Pedestrian and Cycle Path Works,.
(v) That authority be delegated to the Director of Governance, in consultation with the Director of Housing Economy and Regeneration, to finalise the terms of and for the council to enter into these Agreements and Leases.
Reason: So that the council can secure beneficial public use of the majority of the parkland in front of the hospital building and improved pedestrian and cycle routes through the Combined Site, delivering on the priorities of York citizens and stakeholders as expressed during extensive consultation in 2018 and 2019.
Supporting documents:
Securing the Future of Bootham Park Hospital - Executive 9th December 2021 FINAL, item 69.
PDF 241 KB View as HTML (69./1) 125 KB
Bootham Park Report, Annex 1a - Plan of the Site showing the Accessway land, item 69.
PDF 417 KB
Bootham Park Report, Annex 1b - Plan showing the pedestrian & cycle route through the Site, item 69.
PDF 347 KB
Bootham Park Report, Annex 1c - Plan showing the Lawns area and the Sports Pitches, item 69.
PDF 292 KB
Bootham Park Report. Annex 1d - Plan showing the Air Quality Monitoring Station and the Helicopter Landing Place, item 69.
PDF 437 KB
Bootham Park Report, Annex 2 – Details of the Legal Agreements Proposed to be Entered In, item 69.
PDF 204 KB
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