Agenda item

York City Football Club, Bootham Crescent, York [19/00246/FULM]

Erection of 93 dwellings with associated access, infrastructure, landscaping, public open space and parking. [Clifton Ward]


Cllr Ayre and Cllr D’Agorne withdrew from the meeting for the consideration of this application.


Members considered a major full application from Persimmon Homes Limited And York City Football Club for the Erection of 93 dwellings with associated access, infrastructure, landscaping, public open space and parking at York City Football Club, Bootham Crescent, York YO30 7AQ.


The Development Manager gave a presentation on the application detailing the site layout, street scene and house types. In response to questions from the Committee, Officers clarified that:

·        The condition regarding materials was a standard and the houses on the site would be red brick in keeping with the area.

·        There were some records of where ashes were interred and there would be an archaeological scheme of investigation.

·        There would be a degree of service charges for the affordable housing and in order to help minimise this the affordable housing had been located in one block.

·        The location of the affordable houses, social rent houses and houses for sale had not yet been identified.

·        The strategic housing assessment identified that most housing in need was for one and two bedroom properties.

·        Concerning affordable housing, there were four one-bedroom properties, eight two-bedroomed, and six three-bedroomed.

·        There was no extra strain on drainage on the site.


Public speakers


The following spoke in support:




York City FC's Stadium Development Director Steven Taylor addressed the Committee, and responded to Members’ questions as follows:

·        Persimmon Homes Limited was working with York City Football Club and Historic England to agree protocols on the on instructions for ashes.

·        The geophysical survey undertaken by Bradford University found no evidence of metal caskets and it was noted that there may be leather caskets. Fans had been consulted and it was not believed that there were any ashes remaining on site. It was believed that away from the pitch, ashes may have been interred in Shipton Street in from of the Longhurst stand.

·        The club was aware that it would need to seek permission from the Ministry of Justice for the removal of ashes.


Paul Butler, Agent for the Applicants, then addressed the Committee, and in answer Members’ confirmed that the service charges would need to be discussed with the Applicants.


Members then debated the proposals, after which Cllr Pavlovic  Taylor moved, and Cllr Hollyer seconded, that delegated authority be given to the Assistant Director of Planning and Public Protection to APPROVE the application, subject to the conditions listed in the report.  During debate Officers clarified the NPPF condition and S106 contribution. In accordance with the revised Standing Orders, a named vote was taken. Cllrs Daubeney,  Fenton, Fisher, Fitzpatrick, Hollyer, Kilbane, Lomas,  Rowley, Pavlovic and Cullwick (Chair) all voted in favour of this proposal, and Cllr Barker voted against the proposal. Therefore it was:


Resolved:  That delegated authority be given to the Assistant Director of Planning and Public Protection to APPROVE the application subject to conditions and completion of a s106  agreement to secure following obligations as set out in the report.




                     i.        A presumption in favour of development applies at this site.  The policy for decision making in the NPPF applies which states permission should be granted unless any adverse impacts of doing so would significantly and demonstrably outweigh the benefits, when assessed against the policies in the Framework taken as a whole.


                    ii.        The amount and type of development proposed for the site is acceptable and broadly compliant with the 2018 DLP allocation.  Planning conditions and a s106 agreement can be used to secure reasonable compliance with national and local policies with regard to housing need, promoting sustainable transport, design and the impact on the environment.


The meeting adjourned at 18:10 and reconvened at 18:25


Supporting documents:


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