Agenda item

Proposal to Consult on the Introduction of new Two Tiered Charging Arrangements for Warden Call

This report seeks approval to consult with Warden Call customers and stakeholders on proposals to introduce choice by offering two levels of service and to increase the level of charge for the service that is closer to the actual cost of providing it.



RESOLVED:             (i)         That the proposals set out in the report be noted.


                                    (ii)        That it be agreed to consult with Warden Call customers and stakeholders on the proposals contained in this report


(ii)        That a further report be presented to the Cabinet Member on the outcome of the consultations with recommendations in June 2013.


REASON                   To conduct a consultation with customers of the service and stakeholders prior to finalising recommendations that can recover closer to the actual cost of providing the service.



The Cabinet Member considered a report which sought her approval to consult with Warden Call customers and stakeholders on proposals to introduce choice by offering two levels of service and to increase the level of charge for the service that is closer to the actual cost of providing it. The report also sought her approval to consult on the introduction of a charge for lost equipment and for couples who both benefit from the service but currently only pay one charge.


The Assistant Director (Adult Commissioning, Modernisation and Provision) explained that the proposal was to consult on moving from a single rate charge to two tiered charging (with two options of £5pw for Tier 1 customer and £7pw for Tier 2 customers or £7pw for Tier 1 customers and £10wk for Tier 2 customers). He advised the Cabinet Member that the charges had only been increased by 37 pence over the last 7 years. He stated that the proposals also included charging an additional £3/£5 to a second person living within the same household and introducing a charge for lost pendants.


He stated that the report provided details of the number of customers who would be affected by the proposed increases, and the amount of savings which would be made if the charges were increased following consultation. He confirmed that the intention was to consult with all Warden Call customers, although some of these do not pay for the service themselves. Consultation would also take place with stakeholder bodies including YOPA and Age UK York in order to get a view of current and future customer needs.


The Cabinet Member acknowledged that individuals were suffering financial difficulties due to the current economic climate. The Cabinet Member also recognised the financial pressures on adult social care budgets and the fact that  the charge for this service has not risen in line with inflation or the cost of the service over the many years. Furthermore she agreed to consult on the proposals to make a charge for replacements for lost pendants, and also the proposal to introduce an additional charge for a second person living in the same household. She agreed that it was correct to consult on two sets of charges for the two tier system and to ensure that wide ranging consultation with individuals and stakeholders takes place, including reaching those who may use the service in the future. She confirmed that she would consider the results of the consultation at a meeting in June


RESOLVED:             (i)         That the proposals set out in the report be noted.


                                    (ii)        That it be agreed to consult with Warden Call customers and stakeholders on the proposals contained in this report


(ii)        That a further report be presented to the Cabinet Member on the outcome of the consultations with recommendations in June 2013.


REASON                   To conduct a consultation with customers of the service and stakeholders prior to finalising recommendations that can recover closer to the actual cost of providing the service.



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