Agenda item

Public Participation - Decision Session




At this point in the meeting, members of the public who have registered their wish to speak at the meeting can do so. The deadline for registering is 5:00pm on  Monday 25 January 2010.


Members of the public may register to speak on:-

·        an item on the agenda;

·        an issue within the Executive Member’s remit;

·        an item that has been published on the Information Log since the last session.  Information reports are listed at the end of the agenda. 





It was reported that there had been 4 registrations to speak at the meeting under the Council’s Public Participation Scheme. 


Representations were received from the Co-Chairs of the Valuing People Partnership Board regarding agenda item 7 (Revenue Budge Estimates 2010-11 – Housing and Adult Social Services).  They informed the Executive Member that they were concerned that the Social Services Policy post would be removed.  They stated that this post provides key organisational and admin support to the Partnership Board and was a key point of contact and without it the Board would suffer. They confirmed that the Board provides improvements for people with learning disabilities and that the Social Services Policy post was critical to achieve these results. 


Representations were received from Heather McKenzie who spoke on behalf of Unison regarding item 7 (Revenue Budge Estimates 2010-11 – Housing and Adult Social Services.


She raised the following issues of concerns:

·        There had been a lack of consultation with staff.

·        Outsourcing of the Training & NVQ Team

·        Reduction in Social Care Staffing


She stated that the reduction of posts in the Social Care Team would have a huge effect on staff and the delivery of the service.  Staff had confirmed that workloads were currently high and the proposed job cuts had resulted in anxious staff concerned how they would deliver the service with a reduction in the team. Ms McKenzie informed the Executive Member that staff from the Hospital’s Discharge Team had also confirmed that the workload was already high and a cut in the team could delay discharges. She added that the drop in jobs could result in vulnerable people suffering if the service was overworked and could actually turn out to be more expensive for the Local Authority.


She asked the Executive Member not to recommend the proposed job cuts as the impact would have a long term and damaging effect to the Council.


Representations were received from Councillor Tracey Simpson-Laing who spoke on an issue within the Executive  Members remit.  She asked the Executive Member to consider asking officers to produce a report on the Housing Waiting List and the Unmet Needs of Housing in conjunction with the Strategy Housing Team. She commented on the current housing situation and stated that there were 42 families living in flats with 6 families of 2 or more residing in one bed roomed flats, resulting in overcrowding. Cllr Simpson-Laing stated that 25 families, some with young children or babies were living above the ground floor, which was a health and safety risk. These living arrangements were not appropriate and she requested officers review this situation.


Cllr Simpson-Laing also commented on the empty properties across the city and she discussed how if managed properly they could be brought back into affordable homes.   Between 2008/9 423 properties were empty and only 19 were brought back into use.  Cllr Simpson-Laing suggested officers review this situation and work to turn more empty properties back into affordable homes.


Representations were received from Councillor James Alexander who spoke on item 4 (Comments from the Health Overview & Scrutiny Committee Regarding the Referral from the Executive on Overspends in Adult Social Services). Councillor Alexander stated he was giving this statement in his capacity as a Councillor not as Chair of the Health Overview and Scrutiny Committee nor on behalf of his political grouping.  He made representations regarding the Executive Members lack of engagement with the Health Overview and Scrutiny Committee by failing to attend their meeting on 13th January 2010.


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