Issue - meetings

Second Resources Finance and Performance Monitor

Meeting: 11/12/2007 - Executive Member For Corporate Services and Advisory Panel (Item 45)

45 Resources Directorate, Monitor 2 Performance and Finance Report, 2007/08 pdf icon PDF 137 KB

This report combines performance and financial information for the Directorate of Resources for Monitor 2, 2007/08.  The performance element covers key and Council Plan indicators and projects, and the financial aspect deals with capital, revenue and Treasury Management variances.

Additional documents:


Advice of the Advisory Panel


That the Executive Member be advised:


(i)                 That the current financial situation be noted;

(ii)               That the performance, achievements and comments be noted;

(iii)             That the adjustments to the capital programme be approved subject to approval by the Executive;

(iv)              That  the FMS carry forward request of £99k be approved to go forward to Executive;

(v)                That the virement for enterprise licenses (para 72b) be approved to go forward to the Executive;

(vi)          That a report on the purchase of ‘green’ IT equipment and software (para 72c) be brought to the January EMAP meeting;

(vii)         That Peter Steed and James Drury be thanked for their work during their time with the Council.


Decision of the Executive Member


RESOLVED:That the advice of the Advisory Panel be accepted and endorsed.


REASON:In accordance with budgetary and performance monitoring procedures.


Members considered a report which combined performance and financial information for the Directorate of Resources for Monitor 2, 2007/08. The performance element covered key and Council Plan indicators and projects, and the financial aspect dealt with capital, revenue and Treasury Management variances.


A financial underspend of almost £0.5m was projected after allowing for carrying forward unspent monies on the first phase of Easy@York into the 2nd phase. This underspend was partly due to slippage in IT projects, but also was substantially due to improvements made in Revenues and Benefits, where significant additional income had been generated by reducing subsidy losses, increasing benefit overpayment recovery and other administrative improvements.


Annex 2, which was marked to follow on the agenda, was circulated at the meeting. It was reported that as there was an underspend, there was an opportunity to purchase some new green IT equipment prior to the move to Hungate which would be more efficient and energy saving. Members requested a report to the January EMAP meeting on the costs and benefits, including carbon efficiency saving projections, of green IT equipment, what options were available to them, and how it fitted into the wider procurement of equipment for Hungate.


Members congratulated staff on the improving performance, especially in the Benefits Service and call handling in the York Contact Centre.


Advice of the Advisory Panel


That the Executive Member be advised:


(i)                 That the current financial situation be noted;

(ii)               That the performance, achievements and comments be noted;

(iii)             That the adjustments to the capital programme be approved subject to approval by the Executive1;

(iv)              That  the FMS carry forward request of £99k be approved to go forward to Executive2;

(v)                That the virement for enterprise licenses (para 72b) be approved to go forward to the Executive3;

(vi)          That a report on the purchase of ‘green’ IT equipment and software (para 72c) be brought to the January EMAP meeting4;

(vii)        That Peter Steed and James Drury be thanked for their work during their time with the Council.


Decision of the Executive Member


RESOLVED:That the advice of the Advisory Panel be accepted and endorsed.


REASON:In accordance with budgetary and performance monitoring procedures.


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